Application Deadlines: Industrial Placements 2025

Use our list below to keep an eye on the key dates and ensure you get ahead of the competition by applying early.

Not a member of Bright Network? Join the network to get access to members-only advice, exclusive fast track opportunities and key insights from graduates who've secured top graduate schemes.

Know which sector you're interested in? Take a look at the deadlines in:

Key Dates

12th Sep 2024

13th Sep 2024

15th Sep 2024

22nd Sep 2024

30th Sep 2024

14th Oct 2024

17th Oct 2024

24th Oct 2024

25th Oct 2024

31st Oct 2024

1st Dec 2024

31st Dec 2024

31st Mar 2025

17th May 2025

Rolling Deadlines

Many more roles listed under Industrial Placements

Planning your Career Path

If you’re not sure what kind of Graduate Scheme you want to apply for, our Career Path Guides will give you an insight into the different options. Explore the articles and advice in each guide to narrow down the sectors and roles that interest you, and start planning your Graduate Scheme applications from there.

Perfect your CV and Cover Letter

Creating a stand out CV and cover letter is the essential starting point for your Graduate Scheme application. Bright Network’s CV template and example cover letter will help you get off to the best possible start with your job hunt.

What's next?

Once you’ve submitted your CV and cover letter, the application process for most Graduate Schemes will involve several key elements. Many firms will ask applicants to complete aptitude tests, which may be numerical, verbal or personality-based. Make sure you’ve done plenty of practise tests and check out our video on how to prepare.

After passing your aptitude tests with flying colours, you need to tackle the interview. Interviews may be over the phone, through a video or face-to-face. Whatever form your interview takes, think about the questions you may be asked, research the company you’re applying to, and do some practice interviews to ensure you’re answering questions with structure and confidence.

Need some inspiration?

Follow in the footsteps of other successful Bright Network members to secure a top Graduate Scheme. Our members have shared their top tips and experience of the application process to help you land your graduate role: