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    Always taking the first step. Making the tough calls. Keeping heads up and hope strong. Being a leader isn’t always easy, but, at the British Army, it’s worth it. As an Army Officer, you’ll push yourself and your team further than you thought possible. At the centre of every unforgettable adventure, you’ll be there, building trust and inspiring achievement. Ready to take on the role of a lifetime?

    Supported to succeed

    Our Army Officer bursaries are there to support you throughout your undergraduate education, so there’s nothing standing in your way. We offer a number of different bursaries, each with different eligibility criteria.

    Depending on what you study, your performance, and which Corps you’re looking to join, we can provide you with the support you need to go far. If you’re applying to or currently at university, you could eligible for a bursary of up to £42,750 (£75,000 for medical students).

    Qualifications you’ll need

    To apply for any of our bursaries, you must be 18 or over, committed to joining the Army as a Regular Officer on graduating and meet the following academic requirements.


    • You will need to have, or be predicted to achieve, at least 72 UCAS points
    • You must be capable of getting at least a 2:2 degree
    • You should be between 18 and 30

    Scholarship Candidates

    • Apply in Year 12 (Secondary 5 in Scotland, Lower Sixth in Northern Ireland), be aged 16 or 17
    • Have at least 40 ALIS points from GCSEs or 37 ALIS points from Scottish National Qualifications
    • Attend the Army Scholarship board in June or July before you turn 18. This is held in June / July, and qualifies you for a commission in the Army and allows to you apply for additional bursaries

    Medical Bursary Candidates

    • Apply for a Medical Bursary while you are still at university, before the end of January.
    • You should apply not later than your second year to qualify for the full amount.
    • You must pass the Army Officer Selection Board for professionally qualified officers and a specialist selection board
    • You should be aged between 18 and 39

    You’ll also have to pass the Army Officer Selection Board (AOSB) and join the University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) while at university.

    Entering Sandhurst

    The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst is where the next generation of officers learn the skills they need to help their teams take on any challenge. If you’re applying for a bursary, it’s important you check that you’re also eligible to enter Sandhurst. If applying for a:

    • Doctor or Dental Bursary, you must enter Sandhurst before your 39th birthday
    • Nursing Bursary, you must enter Sandhurst before your 34th birthday
    • Veterinary Bursary, you must enter Sandhurst before your 29th birthday
    • Any other bursary, you must enter Sandhurst before your 30th birthday.

    When to apply

    • If you’re applying for an Army Undergraduate Bursary (Technical, Enhanced or Standard), you must do so before the first Friday in December of your final year. To apply for the Enhanced Bursary, you must have at least 2 years left at university.
    • To apply for the Army Medical Services Bursary, you must do so before February in your second year. We can award bursaries after this date has expired, but we’re normally unable to backdate payments.    

    This is your opportunity to show the world what you’re made of.

    Find where you belong.