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For a unique opportunity to spend time in London and have close contact with our Middle East offices, apply to our Middle East-London Summer Vacation Scheme. It offers a taste of life in commercial law at a global firm, and puts you in the best possible position to secure a Training Contract here. We'll also pay you £450 per week while you're with us.

Our Middle East-London Summer Vacation Scheme is for penultimate and final-year Law undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates (studying an LLM or GDL at a UK university) who are fluent in Arabic. You'll spend three weeks in our London office, and during this time get to have close contact with our Middle East offices.

What to expect

Throughout the three weeks, you'll be involved in real deals, sit with a Principal, work hard and enjoy an active social life. You'll also attend professional development sessions. These offer a broader understanding of our global business strategy and practice areas, and help you to develop essential skills like negotiation and pitching.

More informally, you'll have the ear of experienced lawyers. A Trainee ‘buddy’ in each department is on hand to integrate you into the team, as well as a Principal, who is an Associate or Managing Associate. This reflects the support you can look forward to if you join us as a Trainee. You'll also get to know us, and other Vacation Scheme students, through our social events (often a highlight!).

After attending the Vacation Scheme, we'll automatically offer you a final interview for our Middle East-London Training Contract with our Partners and Managing Associates. The selection process for our Schemes is tough, because they are there to help prepare you, and we want you to be successful in your Training Contract application. 

This is a unique opportunity to train and qualify as a lawyer in England and Wales before starting a commercial law career in the Middle East. You'll start working on live client cases during four six-month seats. These take place in London as well as the Middle East. You'll build skills and experience in practice areas, and, with ongoing training and support, develop the professional skills you need. Once qualified, you'll then start your career as an Associate in the Middle East.

2023 Summer Vacation Scheme dates

Summer Vacation Scheme: 19 June – 7 July 2023, 17 July – 4 August 2023

Candidates must complete the short online form (30 minutes) and the Capp Online assessment by the application deadline. Candidates will have a 5-day deadline, from the date of their application, to complete the Watson Glaser online test.