techUK is the trade association which brings together people, companies and organisations to realise the positive outcomes of what digital technology can achieve. We create a network for innovation and collaboration across business, government and stakeholders to provide a better future for people, society, the economy and the planet.
By providing expertise and insight, we support our members, partners and stakeholders as they prepare the UK for what comes next in a constantly changing world.
Empowering people
techUK works with the government, education providers and employers to expand skills, talent and opportunity in the digital sector to ensure that everyone can participate in the digitising world.
Strengthening society
techUK believes technology has the power to strengthen society and we work with the government and stakeholders to build a smarter state that improves the wealth and wellbeing of all citizens.
Driving the economy
techUK works with businesses and stakeholders to develop effective policy and regulatory solutions to promote the digitisation of the economy and drive productivity and inclusive growth.
Protecting the planet
techUK leads the discussion on how technology and digital solutions can deliver sustainability and protect our planet. We articulate the role that technology can play in tackling the climate emergency.
Live opportunities
Programme Marketing Assistant for Policy and Tech and Innovation 2025
Programme Team Assistant for Public Sector Markets 2025