Freshers advice hub

    Are you a fresher headed to university this year? If you're not sure where to get started, we've got you covered. Here you'll find everything you need to help you make the most of your first year at university. 

    Your university starter kit

    If you're heading to university, this is your must-have guide for getting started. With everything from how to make friends at uni and how to budget to a calendar and vouchers to help you get started, this guide outlines everything you need to know as an incoming university student. We've got guides for both students studying STEM and non-STEM subjects below - pick your guide and start university off on the right foot!

    University for everyone: The ultimate guide to navigating uni

    University for everyone: Your STEM starter kit

    Your guide to freshers week 2023

    You've heard all about freshers week but what does it actually entail? Read all about what freshers week is, what actually happens and how you can make the most of it in our guide to freshers week 2023.

    Top 10 tips for freshers 

    Your first year at university is both exciting and nerve-wracking! You're transitioning from living at home to being independent for the first time, all while dealing with exams and coursework, too. Read our top 10 tips for freshers to help you navigate your first year of university well.

    10 tips to boost job prospects for freshers

    It's never too early to start thinking about your future career. There are lots of things you can do in your first year of university to set you up for when you graduate. Learn about these 10 tips to boost job prospects for freshers

    The essential freshers' checklist

    Not sure what to take to uni or even what you should be thinking about for your first week and month at uni? Download our handy freshers' checklist to help you organise everything you need to for your first few weeks.

    How to manage your workload effectively at uni

    There's no doubt about it - there's always a lot going on at university. Between coursework and social activities, it can sometimes be hard to find time to get everything done! That's why we've put together your guide for managing your workload effectively at uni

    No idea what to do with your career?

    Career stress doesn't need to negatively impact your university experience. Starting to think about your career sooner rather than later will help you feel less stress and allow you to enjoy all the wonderful things university has to offer! If you're struggling with what you might want to do as a career, take our career path test. Answer a few questions about your preferences and values and get matched with sector and role ideas that will help you go into a career you'll love. 

    We've also got tons of advice to help you navigate the feeling of not knowing what to do when it comes to careers. Take a look at our no idea what to do advice hub for help with figuring out your future career path and what to do with your degree

    Free e-learning courses for freshers

    Getting started with your career

    It's never too early to start thinking about your career. In this free getting started with your career e-learning course, you'll be introduced to everything you need to know as you start thinking about your university and future career. Work out what you want to do, how to set goals, how to take career of your well-being and more.

    Sector 101s

    If you're considering your options, this course is for you. Ten of the UK's leading employers take you through what it's like to work in their sector, including Nestlé, Virgin Media, Macquarie and Vodafone. Discover what each sector entails and what it's like to work as a graduate in each industry in this Sector 101s course. 

    Transferable skills 

    Transferable skills are one of the top things employers look for when they're hiring new talent. Get ahead of the competition by taking this free transferable skills e-learning course. You'll be ready for any internships or opportunities you pursue during university!

    Leadership skills 

    There are many opportunities to demonstrate leadership while at university. Whether as a project lead for a group task or as a society president, leadership is something you can work on and develop. In this leadership skills course, learn how to develop leadership and adapt your communication style so you can be the best leader you can be.