Insight into Schroders: Emily's Story

Emily spoke to our team about her time as an intern on Schroders’ Global Technology Internship Programme. Plus, she gave her top tips on the application process!

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi! I’m Emily and I’m a rising Fourth Year studying Engineering Science (MEng) at Oxford University. During Summer 2021, I was an intern on Schroders’ Global Technology Internship Programme.

What stood out to you about Schroders?

The most surprising aspect is how much Schroders is committed to their people. Even as an intern at Schroders, they’ve invested a significant amount of time and effort in building out our professional skills and knowledge of the industry.

What is the culture like at the firm?

This year’s internship has leveraged flexible and hybrid working, so we spend part of our time working from home, and the other part working in the office. It’s amazing how much the culture has been preserved even with a semi-virtual experience.

Colleagues are very friendly and open for a coffee chat to find out about their role. My team has been understanding from needing to self-isolate periodically to not feeling entirely comfortable going to the office too often due to the situation.

They’ve worked with me to find what works best, and this experience has been echoed across the interns. Those without good home working arrangements have been able to come into the office almost every day and some of us are entirely virtual in our home countries.

What’s your favourite aspect of your role at Schroders so far?

I’m in Global Tech and I spend most of my time updating presentation decks and looking at improving processes. This has allowed me to get a high-level overview of Global Technology, the different teams within that and how they work together, and in the process, speaking to a variety of people across Global Technology. It’s incredible how much it’s driven my knowledge of the business and keeps me very social.

I’ve also enjoyed the camaraderie of the intern cohort who are a supportive and brilliant group of people. There’s always someone up for after-work drinks, lunch or a coffee chat.

What’s your top tip for people going into the application process?

Ask questions! I wish I’d asked more questions during the process – not just the “Top Questions to Ask Any Interviewer”, but the genuine questions and seemingly silly points of clarification I had about the role, the company, and my interviewers’ own experiences.

Keen to find out more about Schroders? View their profile here!