Our application process - everything you can expect


Hopefully, you will have seen by now we like to keep things simple and our recruitment process is no different. There are no hidden traps, robotic video interviews or psychometrics. What do we do instead? We talk to you!

  • Step 1 - Once you apply online, the magic starts: you've tossed your hat into the ring and set in motion a series of events that could lead to new beginnings.
  • Step 2 - One of the recruitment team will read your CV, we look for things that tell us more about you, might be your hobbies, societies you’ve joined at university, voluntary work, weekend jobs or internships.
  • Step 3 - You’ll be invited to interview by the same person who read your CV but when we say interview…we mean you interview us. What would you like to know more about? Fire away and we will give you as much insight as possible!
  • Step 4 - Online numerical test, the dreaded online numerical! Why on earth do we do this?! Coming into data you need to be ok at Maths and like numbers….that’s it!
  • Step 5 - Video interview with one of the data team, your chance to meet more of us and say hi but we will ask you to do some research on a data related topic beforehand – we’ve picked some interesting topics!
  • Step 6 - Ta-dah! That’s it, most people go through the whole process in about 2-3 weeks and you have the same contact - an actual person, all the way along.