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Meet our True North Scholars: Emerald Ace-Acquah – Associate Consultant

Tell us a bit about your path to Bain!

I completed a BA in Psychology and Linguistics at Oxford. I really enjoyed my degree, but I always knew I wasn’t going to work in a field related to it. I graduated in August 2023 and took a few months out to travel. I then started at Bain in January 2024.


How did taking part in the True North Workshop help you decide on a career in consulting?

/ Do you need to be certain about a career in consulting before applying for True North?

I definitely wasn’t certain about consulting when I applied to True North. I was actually mid-way through a marketing internship and had another one lined up for the next summer. Funnily enough, when I first started my degree, I was very against the idea of a career in consulting. But I think I had some inaccurate preconceptions, and I felt like, as someone with a very​ non-finance background, I wouldn’t be able to make a competitive application, nor would I enjoy the job itself. It turns out, I was wrong on both counts!

What are some of the most important things you learnt at the True North Workshop? 

I learnt a lot about Bain’s culture, that made me very interested in working here. For example, I learnt about how Bain is considered to be collaborative and also about how Bain is known for having the personable consultants. Both of these things were really important to me, and made Bain feel more like somewhere I could fit in. Other things, such as the externship and travel opportunities also inspired me to dream about what I wanted in a future employer, and I concluded that Bain might be the right fit. 

What was your highlight from the True North Scholarship?

The highlight was being able to network with lots of impressive Black people of a similar age, as well as finding out more about working at Bain. And being put in contact with my buddy!

What would be your best piece of advice for someone thinking about applying?

Make as many friends as possible - it will come in handy when you’re casing. And take advantage of the fact that you have a buddy! It’s invaluable having a Bainie on your side during this process.