Meet your future employer at FESTIVAL 2024

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Meet Amy, an Aerospace Graduate

I’ve known I have wanted to work within with aviation industry since before I was a teenager which led me to going to university to study – ‘aircraft engineering with pilot studies’. Since I studied during COVID I decided that I would be picky when choosing a graduate job instead of just rushing in to the first one I found so after a year of looking and working in hospitality I stumbled across Frazer-Nash and have never looked back.

Amy Simpson

What attracted you to Frazer-Nash Consultancy?

As I said I was picky when it came to choosing a graduate job, I had friends from my cohort who had rushed into places and ended up hating it or feeling stuck doing something, they didn’t want to do, somewhere they weren’t comfortable. For me working somewhere that I felt I would fit in and be comfortable being myself was extremely important and Frazer-Nash, when researching, ticked all those boxes. They seemingly championed women, valued their staff on all levels of employment, had global offices giving the opportunity to possibly emigrate in the future and the pay was really good (which also helped).

What do you enjoy about working at Frazer-Nash?

That even though often I am the youngest and most inexperienced person in the room I am still valued and listened too. Questions are encouraged, not mocked. I have been told countless times that everyone has to start somewhere, and Frazer-Nash really shows this as I have never had anyone not take the time to help me with something I have never done before, even when they are incredibly busy. The amount I have learnt in 6 months would take some people in other companies years to learn as the environment just doesn’t nurture in the same way.

What are you excited for in your future at Frazer-Nash?

Absolutely! I am excited to continue to grow and develop new skills. I have done work in numerous industries where honestly; I had never expected such as with submarines. The way I am treated with respect and encouraged to go on courses and grow my talents makes me understand why so many of my colleagues have been around in the company for numerous years.

What would be your top tip to members going through the application process?

Be yourself. Frazer-Nash encourages independence and uniqueness, don’t try to be someone you’re not, they want YOU for what YOU can bring to the company. Everyone deserves to be comfortable in themselves and not need to wear a ‘mask’ at work – Frazer-Nash is great for this; they want individuals not just people who can tick boxes.