Linklaters: Making the most of your first year

There are many steps along the way to becoming a commercial lawyer and each step comes with its intricacies and pitfalls. The best way to be successful is to take each step at a time and understand what you can do to ensure you are on your way to achieving your overall goal. Below are a few tips to help you along the way during your first year at university.  It is by no means a comprehensive list, but they do cover some of the most common questions and missteps that can lead you astray.

Academics count

Whether your first-year marks count towards your final degree classification or not, please remember the importance of doing well at every stage of your academic career.  Employers want to know that their future hires are diligent and committed to realising their full potential at all times.

Do your research

Use your first-year at university to begin thinking about what you want from your future employer.  What will provide you with a fulfilling career?  What industries can offer you this?  Within commercial law there are vast differences between law firms and what they offer.  Go to as many employer-led presentations and workshops and speak to as many representatives as you can.  Only after gathering all this information can you begin to narrow down your search

Get involved

Employers are looking for well-rounded people who are enthusiastic about their career but who also maintain outside interests.  Join clubs and societies to cultivate your interests and take on leadership roles to ensure you maintain your involvement.  Leadership roles also show your future employer you can multi-task and work well others.  These are skills which  you will be asked to demonstrate in the future. Working part-time or volunteering outside of university are another way of showing these key competencies.

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