Life at JLR


"The Undergraduate Programme allows for the freedom to explore roles within JLR, from shadowing for just a day to venturing on a placement and delving into a unique project over the course of several months. This breadth of experience has allowed an unparalleled expansion of my skillset and has broadened my knowledge of the internal workings of JLR, enabling me to realise and develop my strengths, ultimately finding the best career path for me."

– Dylan, Product Engineering, Hardware and Mechatronics Undergraduate

“The product engineering graduate programme gave me an excellent opportunity to work in this great company and garner a deeper appreciation for the products we create. It enabled me to work around the company and network, this has boosted my confidence tremendously. It also allowed me to meet several other graduates from various areas within the company and some of them are now my closest friends and confidants”.

– Shreya, Antenna Hardware Engineer (former Engineering Graduate)

I’m on the Analytics Graduate scheme, based within Cross functional. This means unlike a lot of other grads I have a home team where I spend the majority of my 2 years, and then I do 2 3month rotations into other areas of Analytics.

- Louisa Briggs, Finance Analytics Grad

The enrolment process onto this programme was very smooth, I felt that the application/ interview process was very enjoyable and I was able to show my skills and experience was right for this role. When starting the programme, the support and training I received from the early careers team and my department I work in was amazing, they all made sure and continue to make sure that my skills, experience and knowledge is growing. They do this by setting up social events, buddy systems, feedback forms, mentoring sessions, understanding my goals & how to achieve these. The programme allows me to not just understand one job role but commercial as a whole, we get the opportunity to shadow other departments, attend different talks, visit different sites, retailers, suppliers & warehouses and have the chance to meet & chat with different commercial first line employees.

-  Avarni Kaur Vagree, Commercial Graduate

“Throughout my 1st year on the Electronics & Complex Systems graduate programme I obtained a diverse range of knowledge covering new technologies to tailored client experience for different markets. Since joining, I have grown personally & professionally working in both technical and management teams to deliver a true modern luxury experience for our customers.”

- Omar Hussein, PE Electronics & Complex Systems Grad