Meet Babar - PPC Executive

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Below, Babar opens up about his fulfilling experience at Mediabrands so far. 


What is your role and how long have you been at Mediabrands?  

I am a PPC Executive (Client Dyson). It's been 7 months since I joined Mediabrands. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?  

If we throw professional life out of the window for a sec 😊 I am a climate activist in my native country – Pakistan. Having the honour of creating its first climate-led research blog back in 2011 that was mentioned in the Washington Post and the Guardian UK. I am a self-taught digital artist as well as I like photoshopping/drawing mythical pictures or artwork of pop culture icons. 

What inspired you to apply for this role/this company?  

My professional expertise lies in the field of Social Media content building and strategy however I realised the importance of Paid Search/SEO/Paid Social during a session with an agency that worked for my previous company. Having an IT background and the significance it has in today’s digital world, I wanted to acquire a “hard skill” and learn about how ad targeting and spends work, along with how we can optimise it to get more traffic/awareness. If you are not aware of the data of your audience then a simple social media post is not going to drive engagement. For me social media content is just the front part of the digital world and there is a lot of stuff happening at the back end thus I grew more interested to start a career in PPC. 

What has been the single most important thing you learnt so far in your job?  

It would be difficult to single out one as there are multiple! 

  • I was not good at all when it came to digital metrics e.g CTR, CPC, CVR, ROAS etc. Now it makes sense, when to use them and for what purpose. For example; for sales, ROAS would be used as we would be focusing on the revenue generated on the ad spend therefore the audience we are using could also be different i.e people who are more likely to make a purchase. 
  • Learning how to use Google Ads and Microsoft Ads is a huge plus point. 
  • Pacing the budget to ensure that we don’t overspend or underspend during the campaign. 
  • Adjusting the bid strategy when a campaign daily budget amendments are not having any impact 
  • Conducting SQR reports along with keyword research. 

What would a ‘normal’ day look like for someone in your role?  

The first task that I do is update the budget pacer. Then I upload ad copies as well as assist the Account Managers with their tasks.   

Rest assured, your teammates will help you if you get stuck!  

What do you find most interesting with the sector/industry you’re in? 

Definitely has to be the amount of new information you get. There are a lot of learning opportunities like Google Sessions and recently Facebook META for free. 

What is the company culture like?  

Very open and diverse. Really love the ‘easy-to-go’ culture it has i.e the flexible/hybrid working hours. The people are also very nice and always there to help you around. 

How important is diversity to you and what is Mediabrands doing in this space at the moment?  

In today’s world, workplaces should be diverse and open-minded! I like places which are equal and don't have the 19th-20th century prejudice. 

I have found Mediabrands to be an inclusive company as they conduct countless sessions/programs on diversity and making people a part of the company’s culture. I have met people of multiple backgrounds working equally without any discrimination which is a big thing. Such steps should be appreciated!    

Finally, any tips for anyone who’d like to apply for a role at Mediabrands?  

Be motivated, ask a lot of questions , manage your time/plan your day, acquire the skills they teach you, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Trust me, the company is the best place to start your career! 

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