Hear from our Associates and Managers

Amina Abilkassym – Associate

Tell us a little about yourself and your experience?

I am an Associate in the Finance team at Accuracy. I joined the firm as an analyst 2 years ago after graduating from MSc Finance at the London School of Economics and after completing a summer internship at HSBC.

Aminia Headshot

What would be your top tips for people thinking of applying to Accuracy?

I recommend engaging with current employees to gain a deeper understanding of the role and conducting thorough research on the company. For example, you can attend university career fairs, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, identify individuals in your network who have worked here, and explore our website for more information.

What did you notice about Accuracy when you first started?

I observed a strong collaborative work culture, with many colleagues demonstrating a willingness to offer support.

What would be your top tip to students in their final year that are unsure where they want to apply to or how they want to start their career?

I would advise to try attending various events and conferences, participating in different competitions organised by companies and talking to people in your network who can share their experience in different firms. For example, at Accuracy every year we organise a case competition for students called the Accuracy Business Cup (“ABC”). ABC provides an opportunity to gain exposure to a real-life international finance and strategy project where participating students will have the opportunity to present their cases to the senior management of an international listed company and to be coached by senior Accuracy consultants.

Ayush Rai - Manager

Tell us a little about yourself and your experience?

I joined Accuracy Paris after graduating from HEC Paris. It has been a very steep learning curve and a unique experience.

Ayush Headshot

What stood out to you about Accuracy?

The focus on people and our no silo approach – we really care and value people and make sure they get proper feedback and support for their growth. I also think our partners and senior team members are very approachable which is encouraging to new starters.

What opportunities stand out at Accuracy?

One of the main opportunities we have by being a global firm is to be able to work across offices and doing secondments. Accuracy also offers extensive exposure to clients and communication with C suite (so executive level managers within a firm) at a very early stage as analysts and consultants which is quite unique to Accuracy.

What would be your top tips for people thinking of applying?

I would say be very clear about your motivation: why Financial Consulting? why Accuracy? and be authentic. Make sure to research Accuracy and what we offer and try to talk to our people for more insights before writing your cover letters; it always looks good to reference someone’s name.