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Graduate Spotlight: Alex, Marketing Graduate

By Diageo

Alex Niang – Marketing

Why did you choose to apply to a graduate role at Diageo?

This role stood out to me as one that stretches graduates in all aspects of their professional skillset. Being able to be on a 2-year rotational scheme will enable me to see various parts of the business and build up knowledge across functions.

What do you wish you knew when you were applying to Diageo?

That in 12 months' time I’d be at one of the best companies in the world to care about their employers and strive not only to produce the best work but be the best people.

Tell us about your experience as a graduate with Diageo? 

Culture is great here, the D&I team really ensure that active work is being done to celebrate diversity within the workplace. This isn’t just a topic spoken about, there are actions that follow up and support all employees of the business.

Tell us about your current graduate role with Diageo. What’s the most exciting thing about it?

I am on the Marketing Graduate Scheme and my first rotation is as the Assistant Brand Manager at Captain Morgan. What I’m finding particularly exciting at the moment is working on continuing to build one of Diageo’s giants. Looking at how we can position ourselves on the market and taking learnings from data is key in understanding your consumer!

What skills/knowledge did you learn at university that you are now implementing in your role?

Using languages (French and Italian) as a cultural understanding mechanism is key in my role. Understanding that through language, different meanings in messages to your consumer are understood. I’ve also stretched my thinking to understand what is culturally relevant and will entice the consumer.

Share your top 3 tips for someone looking to secure a graduate role.

  1. Be resilient- don’t give up on searching.
  2. Show your personality- Make sure you’re bringing your authentic self as the company values could align perfectly with your core beliefs.
  3. Know your stuff.