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Lucy: What Are the Corporate Responsibility and Social Aspects of Being a Trainee?

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What are the Corporate Responsibility and Social aspects of being a Trainee?

At Eversheds Sutherland, corporate responsibility, pro bono, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing and social initiatives are visibly championed and seen as fundamental to the firm’s purpose of “Helping our clients, our people and our communities to thrive”.

The firm has a strong commitment to being a purposeled organization and responsibly business and supports a number of different charities, community investment groups and social enterprises on a pro bono basis. The firm recently launched its new Corporate Responsibility Policy which will see the firm focusing on three core pillars:

  • Social Mobility and Education: by offering support across a range of age groups for less advantaged children and young people to help them broaden their horizons and access opportunities, with a focus on educating on careers in the legal profession. One example of the firm’s work under this pillar is the recent visit the Cardiff office made to a local high school to assist the students with interview techniques, CV writing and mock interviews –
  • Poverty: Help alleviate poverty through targeted intervention and donations (both financial and in[1] kind). A local example of the firm’s work under this pillar is the recent visit to Cardiff Foodbank, where the firm’s staff volunteered at the Foodbank for the afternoon
  • Environment: Develop partnerships to aid our commitment to climate action, utilising opportunities to engage our clients, our people and our communities. The firm also encourages its staff to volunteer with the World Wetland Trust, by way of example of its work under this pillar

The firm have also recently confirmed their partnership with the International Rescue Committee as their global charity partner for the next three years. The International Rescue Committee works in more than 40 countries and over 20 U.S. cities to help people affected by humanitarian crises to survive, recover and rebuild their lives.

So far this year the firm has supported International Day of Education, World Wetland Day, World Water Day, World Environment day, Social Mobility Awareness Day, and World Youth Skills.

The firm also supports local charities, with each office voting at the end of each Financial Year for the charities they wish to support each year. This year in Cardiff we are supporting Cardiff Foodbank, a charity which helps to provide emergency food parcels to people in need in Cardiff, and NSPCC Childline Club Cymru, which offers counselling services for children and young people to talk about any issues causing them distress or concern.

Therefore, as a trainee the firm provides a number of opportunities to support on pro bono initiatives, and this is something that is actively encouraged. From my own personal experience while as a trainee I have been involved with the firm’s pro bono work with Amicus and the Florida Center for Capital Representation to track all first-degree murder cases in Florida, gathering key data to form the evidence base for future constitutional challenges where necessary. I have also been involved in the Project Sunflower initiative, where the firm works with the Ukraine Advice Project, DLA Piper and Hogan Lovells to provide a triaging and signposting service for displaced Ukrainians and their families regarding options for resettlement in the UK.

By assisting on these initiatives trainees develop legal, advocacy, leadership and interpersonal skills, while also increasing job satisfaction and improving wellbeing at the same time.

Eversheds Sutherland also encourages involvement with its people networks such as the Gender Network, Perspective (LGBTQ+) Network and Verve Network (which raises awareness and understanding of the experiences of ethnic minority colleagues), to name a few. These networks provide access to regular newsletters and updates, internal mentoring schemes, masterclasses and monthly virtual “Coffee Moring” sessions and panel discussions. The activities of these networks create a sense of community across different teams, offices and continents.

As a member of Verve Cardiff’s Executive Committee I have been involved in organising the monthly Coffee Mornings, and have even had the pleasure of hosting a few of these Coffee Mornings myself. The Coffee Mornings take place over Microsoft Teams on the last Thursday of every month with the topic of each discussion changing each week. Some examples of recent topics include South Asian representation in politics, which took place during South Asian Heritage Month, an informative session about the recent Report published about the Metropolitan Police Service, and a discussion around the difference between Equality and Equity. The setup of the Coffee Mornings vary depending on the topic, with some being informative-style sessions and others being debate-style sessions. All attendees are encouraged to participate during the sessions which helps to further the firm’s Collaborative culture. The Coffee Mornings have grown from being solely attended only by Cardiff colleagues, to now reaching on average 50-60 colleagues across the UK offices, and more recently expanding its reach to the Dublin Office.

During Race Equality week last year I also organised a Cultural Potluck event, alongside another trainee, which allowed colleagues in the Cardiff office to try food from different cultures including gyozas, lamb koftas flat breads, sushi and much more. The event was very well-received and helped to expand the Verve Network’s reach.

As an active member of the Perspective Network I was also involved, along with a number of other trainees, in planning the Cardiff Office’s Pride celebrations. This event saw the Cardiff Office’s canteen transformed with pride flags, face paint/glitter stations, pens, t-shirts and much more, for the pre-march breakfast. The event saw over 100 attendees made up of colleagues, family, friends and even clients. It received great feedback and helped to set the mood for a fantastic day where we took part in the Pride Cymru march later that morning. There was also a great Pride Panel discussion held recently which saw the firm’s Partners as well as external speakers explore the theme of solidarity, both for members within the community and for allies.

As a trainee, having the opportunity to get involved with these different networks and charities has been incredibly rewarding and has provided me with a great way to meet and get to know colleagues from different teams and offices. The firm also encourages involvement with its in-person and virtual social events which take place over the year. For example, the Eversheds Cardiff Office Christmas Party was incredibly well-attended and a great way to celebrate the end of a great year with colleagues, there is also an upcoming sports day taking place for the first time in a couple of years which I have heard great things about. I have also had the opportunity to attend numerous team building socials and events, including a Segway Social event with the Construction Team, a speed boat ride around Cardiff Bay with the FSDI team, a number of Trainee and Future Trainee Socials, as well as various welcome and farewell team socials organised for the trainees at the start of each seat rotation.

The firm has also continued its strong commitment to wellbeing and providing support to employees, offering, for example, an Employee Assistance Programme 24/7 365 days a year to provide confidential support, information and guidance. There are also a number of sports and fitness clubs in the Cardiff office open to all, and these form a great way to meet colleagues, improve health and wellbeing and network with clients.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the firm so far and have found the culture at all levels of the firm to be welcoming, inclusive and collaborative. Since starting my career at Eversheds Sutherland I have received incredible training, support and encouragement from all of my colleagues, and I consider myself to be very fortunate to work at a firm which places such importance on Corporate Responsibility, pro bono and diversity and inclusion, while also encouraging such a fantastic culture.

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