Asha on Life as a Graduate


Tell us about you and your position in BT.

I’m originally from Toronto, Canada and now living in Leicester, UK. I have a degree in Marketing and it really echoes my personality of expressing my visionary approach and creativity. I started the Graduate scheme in September 2019 as a Security Sales Specialist and recently started a new role as a Security Campaign Coordinator. My role supports sales to help customers protect their network and crown jewels through scoping, creating and managing programmatic campaigns in Enterprise and Global. 

What attracted you to apply for a Grad scheme in Cybersecurity?

I never imagined that I would work in the Security industry. The key word that attracted me was ‘Security’. Doing some research in the Cyber world was very fascinating. The advantages of the Grad scheme helped me learn so much about the Cybersecurity industry and develop new skills I never had. And I’ve discovered there are so many different Graduate roles within Security too – from software and networks to sales, technical consultancy and project management.  

Why do you think Cybersecurity is such a rapidly growing field?

The key reasons why Cybersecurity is a growing field is because customer and business needs are constantly changing, especially with the pandemic influence. People and businesses are more reliant on technology than ever and we all have to be aware of the threats that surround us in this ever-changing threat landscape. What’s important to me is helping people, making things better, less risky and more fun and my role allows me to do this. 

What is the most interesting project you have worked on?

The most interesting project or campaign I worked on was featuring in the ‘We are the Protectors’ campaign. I felt this campaign is going to build great purpose to positioning BT as a key player in the Security market. Altogether, it is an exciting opportunity to be representing the diverse BT Security community. When I told my friends and family they were thrilled and proud to see my face being used everywhere. 

Why is female representation so important in Cybersecurity?

Diversity plays an important role in Cybersecurity. I believe that it is an advantage to be a woman working in the Security industry today. Women are best placed to identify their unique Cybersecurity needs and contribute their lived experiences to the knowledgebase. 

What would you say to someone considering applying for the Cybersecurity Grad scheme?

I would say GO FOR IT! It’s an exciting and thrilling industry to be in. The Grad scheme nurtures so much growth and learning development. The industry itself keeps you on your toes as it’s ever evolving across emerging technologies, new intelligence and changing threat landscape. Most importantly, it’s a place with a diverse talent pool where you can network many people across the business.