Career Path Test

    2 minutes
    Find out which sectors you're suited to in just 2 minutes.
    2 minutes
    Want to know more? Take the free advanced insight test to learn about the kinds of jobs that match you.
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    We've analysed data from thousands of our members who work in graduate roles across a range of sectors to understand which personalities, skills and values best fit each career path.

    Take this test to understand what career path you might be suited to and how to get started.

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    Job results - 2 more minutes

    Find out which jobs you're best matched to
    Job results
    2 more minutes
    Get free advanced insights and find out which jobs you're best matched to by answering more questions.

    Sector results - available now

    Your sector matches are ready to review
    Sector results
    Available now
    You have completed the sector questions and your sector matches are now ready to view.

    Here’s what our members think about the test



    This has given me clarity on what I should focus on in my career life which was a big challenge for me before.



    It was easy to complete, gave me good insight into the underlying meaning behind my answers and what I may be more suited towards.



    The survey was highly informative and asked questions which were unique and I had never been asked before when doing similar surveys. The results were also highly in-depth and allowed for the exploration of roles rather than just stating which suited you.



    I was happy with the sector choices given to me and felt they did reflect areas I am interested in. I also liked how there are work/internship opportunities linked to each sector as that is really helpful in learning more about the jobs through first-hand experience



    The test made me think of what I am, what I have & what I want. Gives a clear idea for goal setting. I'm very clear now. That's why I choose 10 out of 10.



    Overall it gave me careers I was already considering so really it was quite accurate. Now I can see what kind of jobs are under those sectors as I have been limited to know what else I can do under said sector thats not a common job to do



    It was very informative and easily understandable. Not only there was a concise information about the career paths, but there was also the possibility to explore each given career more in depth



    The results of the test really explained what my strengths and weaknesses are and in what areas I will be able to use my strengths efficiently.



    Was helpful to see my options and explore different routes but some results such as finance sector results were not applicable to me. Very good for new options and opening my eyes to different streams of work


    Who is this career path test designed for?
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    This career path test is designed for students and recent graduates to help you decide on a career that’s right for you. Whether you have no idea what you want to do or you want to learn more about a career path you’re interested in, this test will help you do just that.

    Is this career path test free?
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    Yes, this career path test is free for Bright Network members and membership to our network is free! You’ll also get access to exclusive jobs, advice, events and e-learning content to help you thrive in your early career. Sign up to become part of the network.

    How long will the test take?
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    It only takes two minutes to find out which sectors you're suited to. You then have the option to take the free advanced insight test which takes four minutes where you can learn about the kinds of jobs that match you.
    Who developed this career test?
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    The Bright Network Career Path Test has been developed with psychologists and uses insights from thousands of graduates in different roles and sectors to best match you with a sector you might be suited to.
    Can I retake the test as many times as I want?
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    Yes, you can take the test as many times as you like.
    What information will I see in my results?
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    In your results you will be able to see the values that are most and least important to you, our top recommendations for sectors you’re most suited to and some of the roles you might want to explore further via our career profiles.