Transferable Skills
30 - 40 min
Beginners guide to business writing
The ability to write clearly and concisely is a crucial skill to master both whilst you're at university and during your career. In this module, business writing expert John Trimbos shares his insights on how improve your writing, and stand out from the crowd.
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John Trimbos
Trimbos Training, Director
John was a planning and environmental lawyer for a decade before he set up his own training consultancy business, Trimbos Training. He works with a number of large firms across different sectors, to sharpen up employees writing and drafting skills.
John was a planning and environmental lawyer for a decade before he set up his own training consultancy business, Trimbos Training. He works with a number of large firms across different sectors, to sharpen up employees writing and drafting skills.
Lessons in this module
1. Introduction
John explains why business writing is an important skill to develop and shows you that even international companies don't always get their business writing correct.
2 - 3 minutes
2. Perfecting your sentence structure
Gain top insights into how to structure a great sentence and have a go a redrafting sentences that aren't structured correctly.
7 - 8 minutes
3. Learning how to omit surplus words
Writing concisely can be challenging, especially when you're used to writing in an academic style. John gives you examples of sentences with too many words, and helps you come up with alternatives.
7 - 8 minutes
4. The importance of sentence length
It's important that someone doesn't have to re-read your writing in order to understand it. In this lesson, John talks about sentence length and how shorter sentences can make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your writing.
2 - 3 minutes
5. How and when to use tabulation
Tabulation can be a great way to draw attention to the key points in your writing. This lesson will take you through what tabulation is and when it's appropriate to use the technique.
5 - 6 minutes
6. The importance of word order
The way words are ordered in a sentence can make a big impact on the way a sentence is received by a reader. John gives you real world examples of sentences where the word order doesn't work, and gives you a chance to have a go at reordering the words.
6 - 7 minutes
7. Summary
In the final lesson John takes you through the key learnings from this module.
1 - 2 minutes
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