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Ten top tips for freshers

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Congratulations – you’re starting your first year of university! This is an exciting time and a big achievement, so don’t forget to pause and reflect on how well you’ve done.

Typically, students in their first year of university are called either first years or 'freshers'. We want your first year to be an amazing introduction to your university career, so here are ten of our best tips for freshers to help you achieve your academic goals and have fun along the way.

Two male freshers students walking and talking on a university campus

Define a monthly or weekly budget

With access to student loans and other forms of income, going to university might be the first time you’ve had free reign and full control of your finances.

This can be very exciting, and it’s easy to get swept away with the idea of spending your money on things you’d like rather than things you need. However, making sure you set yourself up well at the beginning of term means you can enjoy yourself later on when your finances might be a bit lower. Preparing a budget is a great way to do this.

Remember to make your budget reasonable for the amount that you have and factor in necessities like rent, food, bills and any books or supplies you need for university. A great way to make sure you don’t fall behind on your payments is to prioritise paying for your accommodation when you receive money. Additionally, buying healthier foods and lots of vegetables so you can cook your meals in bulk is often cheaper than takeaways and ready meals.

There are often many bursary options available to you. You could look within the university you’re attending or for an outside organisation, for example, the Vegetarian Charity or the Princes’ Trust. Remember, bursaries are often better than loans because loans require repayments where bursaries don’t.

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Look after your accommodation

If you’re living in university accommodation, it’s important for your wellbeing to keep your space clean and uncluttered. Many people find it difficult to work in an untidy environment, and since much of your university work outside of lectures and seminars is in your room, looking after it is a good way to look after yourself and your studies. Another important reason to tidy up is to maintain a positive relationship with your housemates, who don’t want to live in your mess!

Make sure you start looking for accommodation for your second year early. If you have specific requirements, for example, you need the house or flat to be in a certain area of the city or have a particular number of bedrooms, getting in there early can help you find the perfect place before it’s taken by someone else. Housing in your area might be in high demand because of the number of students, so know your requirements, including costs and whether bills are included in the price, and start looking as soon as possible.

Take care of yourself

While university can be an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience, it’s important to protect yourself and your wellbeing so you stay healthy.

Some key parts of looking after yourself are making sure you’re eating balanced meals regularly and staying hydrated throughout the day. Secondly, sticking to a routine can be helpful and part of this is keeping to a consistent sleeping pattern to make sure you’re well-rested and able to do the work you need to.

Incorporating some form of exercise into your routine is helpful too. This doesn’t need to be hot yoga or an intense gym session – it can be as simple as going for a walk in a local park or cycling to classes instead of taking the bus.

Finally, you need to be at your best when you’re studying. Take regular and meaningful breaks to stop yourself from burning out.

Be attentive during lectures

The main reason you're at university is of course to get a degree – so don't lose sight of your academics. Try and attend all your lectures and seminars and stay focused while you are there (no matter how late you've been up the night before).

Participating in your seminars means that your tutors can support you better by getting to know you, and sparking a good conversation benefits everyone in the class. Voicing your questions and your points also makes it much easier to remember what you've learned later on, when it comes to studying for exams.

Our top tip? Be curious and read around your subject outside of just the required reading, so you can expand on any answers you give in classes and coursework or exams.

Think about your future career

It’s never too early to start thinking about your career. If you know what you want to do, why not explore the internships, work experience and industrial placements you could do to get a headstart?

If you’re not sure what your career will look like, check out our career path test to find the job for you based on your skills and priorities.

Find your ideal career with Career Path Test

Not sure what you want to do or want to learn more about a career path you're interested in? Take our Career Path Test to get matched with sectors and jobs that suit your interests. 

Make time for (new) hobbies

Take some time to keep up with your hobbies – it's a good way to have a break from studying. Hobbies help you develop transferable skills which can also be useful later in life when you’re working or searching for a job.

A great way to start or continue a hobby is to look into the societies running at your university so you can meet like-minded people and have a good time doing your hobby with them. If there isn’t a society for your hobby, why not set one up?

If you’re looking to improve on your transferable skills ahead of time, find out about the transferable skills you need to succeed.

Make new friends

Connecting with people and making friends is important for your wellbeing. Making friends with people on your course means you have someone to talk to about assignments and exams, but it’s a good idea to spread your social circle wider and interact with the people you live near. You can meet new people by going to social events run by the university or by joining societies and clubs.

Stay connected with home

Making connections and friendships isn’t always easy, especially during the first few months of being at university. That's why staying connected with friends and family from home is important so you don’t feel overwhelmed and alone.

Staying close to your loved ones at home also means you are facing any issues, you have a great support system that you can rely on even if it’s over the phone rather than in person when you’re at university. You might find it easier to talk to family rather than new friends about some of the problems you face.

Be yourself

University is a great time to explore what you like and learn more about yourself. However, try to go into the experience by being yourself rather than reinventing yourself and your idea of yourself.

Trying to be someone you're not can cause you stress and make you feel low. Plus, you're much more likely to meet like-minded people who you really connect with if you’re being your true self.

Ask for help

Don’t forget or be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Your lecturers will be happy to support you – they'll want you to succeed, and will consider it better and more mature to ask for help during the term rather than after failing a module.

What's more, there are plenty of resources for help with your wellbeing and mental health at university. You might have a dedicated counsellor or counselling team that you could seek support from if you need it.

Whether you have a personal, academic, wellbeing or mental-health-related issue, always reach out and ask for help so you’re not dealing with it on your own.

Get more tips for freshers

Head to our Uni Life hub to find out everything you need to know about thriving, not just surviving at university.