Antons’ insight into securing a Supply Chain Analyst role with Ocado

Created on 9 Dec 2021

We recently caught up with Antons about how they secured a role with Ocado, their top tips for the application process and how they tackle tough interview questions.

What stood out to you about Ocado?

There were many factors but, for me, the main three were:

  1. Ocado is the pioneer of online grocery shopping and I'm thrilled to be a part of a company with such an impressive technological portfolio, as well as the leading market position.
  2. I was looking for a challenge, and this role was a perfect fit - it built on my interest in data analysis that drives real-world business decision making while pushing me to keep learning new technologies and tools in a new environment.
  3. People at Ocado - throughout my interviewing process I got to meet many of my future teammates and managers, and all of them were incredibly inspiring.

How did you build your commercial awareness before the interview?

To make my life simpler, I always prepare a summary page on the company prior to the initial phone interview. It includes a general description of the business, customers, partners, solutions, values, mission and some facts about founders, funding rounds and awards. This shows the interviewer that you've done your research and, in case you forget something, you can look it up during the interview. On top of that, I reviewed the company's website, searched on Google to see if it had come up in recent news, checked, read through Glassdoor reviews and watched relevant YouTube videos.

What would be your top tip to members going through the application process?

Don't get personally attached to the outcome of the application. Be authentic but know how to sell your strengths and reframe your weaknesses or lack of experience. View each of the application steps as a filter that will remove a number of applicants - and see it as an opportunity to tailor your application to move past that filter (in the case of your CV, this would be providing tangible, results-oriented examples and optimising keywords relevant to the role). The company wants to hire a competent candidate - so make it easier for them. Don't be afraid to apply to positions outside of your core area of expertise, and don't feel that you have to fit all of the requirements on the job specification - view it as more like a wish list (you will learn on the job anyway).

How did Bright Network help you secure this role?

Bright Network has sent me numerous emails with job postings and commercial awareness updates that helped me gauge the situation in the graduate job market. I have also found success stories from other graduates very inspiring and helpful - and you should learn from the experience of others.

What’s been the toughest interview question you've faced and how did you tackle it?

For me, the toughest questions always were the ones focused on the negatives - e.g. what was your least favourite aspect of the job in your last position, the least favourite subject at university or questions about your weaknesses. After getting them in some interviews and answering with the first thing that came into my mind, I stepped back and started to think of the examples before the interview. Definitely provide reasons why you have disliked those things. In terms of weaknesses, I have tried to spin it off as something positive (e.g., I struggle to say no when asked to do extra work).

What top three tips would you give Bright Network members looking to follow in your footsteps?

  1. Start early and don't get discouraged while applying - if you get rejected, improve your application and come back stronger.
  2. Build your experience throughout the university - placement, summer internships, entrepreneurship, extracurricular courses and events.
  3. Don't have a dentist appointment scheduled right before your interview - it's quite difficult to speak and think clearly after anaesthesia.
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Looking to follow in Antons's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Ocado Group.

Bright Network member, Antons
Antons, Brunel University London
Ocado Group, Supply Chain Analyst