We will be hosting two insight days in 2025, one on Tuesday 15th April 2024 and one on Wednesday 11th June 2025 (please apply to only of the days only).

Throughout the day you will participate in several interactive sessions and skills workshops to gain practical legal experience. There will also be an opportunity to network with our lawyers and current trainees who can provide you with an insight into what it’s like to work at Arnold & Porter, an introduction to our core practice areas alongside advice from our graduate recruitment team.

We are excited to announce our partnership with UpReach to integrate RealRating into our application process. RealRating is an innovative tool that provides additional context to applicants' academic achievements by taking into account their socio-economic background. This helps us to better understand each candidate's potential and performance, ensuring a more inclusive and equitable recruitment process.

Who can apply?

The two insight days are open to 1st year university students studying a law degree and 2nd year non-law university undergraduate courses. Please apply to the day that is most suitable to you.

Your travel will be reimbursed.


Please apply by 16th March 2025.