
Consumer, FMCG & Retail, Technology & IT Infrastructure
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About eBay

Whether you are buying new or used, plain or luxurious, commonplace or rare, trendy or one-of-a-kind – if it exists in the world, it probably is for sale on eBay. Our mission is to be the world’s favorite destination for discovering great value and unique selection.

We give sellers the platform, solutions, and support they need to grow their businesses and thrive. We measure our success by our customers' success. We empower people and create opportunity through Connected Commerce.™

We focus on empowering our sellers, not competing with them. We are building stronger connections between buyers and sellers with product experiences that are fast, mobile, and secure. And we are transforming the individual selling experience to help you turn the things you no longer need into cash you can use.

Join our company and help us create more economic opportunity for everyone, including you.

Don’t forget to cite Bright Network on your eBay application form, they’re keen to hear from our members.

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