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Boosting your employability outside your degree

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In the current job market, making sure your experience matches your ability can help you boost your employability and jump to the top of any employer’s list. While your education and any employer-led work experience you have is important for your success, employers are keen to find out about the person behind the degree. In this article, we'll explore why gaining additional experience outside of your degree is essential and provide practical examples of activities that can elevate your CV. 

Why gaining experience outside your degree is important 

Securing a job is about more than showing your academic ability. If you don’t have enough experience, including both employer-led and any proactive projects you’ve completed yourself, you might not be considered a strong candidate. Here are the top reasons you should consider completing projects outside of your degree: 

  1. Shows you’re proactive.  

Employers value candidates who take the initiative to enhance their skills beyond the academic realm. Engaging in activities outside of your degree demonstrates a proactive mindset, indicating to potential employers that you're driven and self-motivated. 

  1. Demonstrates your passion. 

Pursuing personal projects or participating in relevant activities showcases your passion for your chosen field. Employers are often drawn to candidates who exhibit genuine enthusiasm for their work so they can bring that passion to the workplace. 

  1. Gives you talking points and examples for your applications and interviews. 

Applications and interviews are designed for you to show off your skills. But to succeed, you need to not only talk about your skills, but back them up too. Having some examples of how you’ve proactively gained experience helps give merit to your claims and makes the employer more confident in your ability. Lots of the time, you’ll have gained skills you don’t even know you have, so think carefully about your previous experience and how it could be relevant. For example, working on a society committee gives you communication, organisation, and detail orientation skills. 

  1. Helps you build connections. 

Networking is a powerful tool in the professional world. If your projects and experience outside of your degree can help you connect with like-minded people, you already have the basis of a great network that could be really helpful for your career in the future. 

Examples of experience outside your degree 

Here are some great projects you could start to build your skills and get experience outside your degree: 

Online courses 

There are many courses you can complete online for free with many different focuses. Bright Network Academy includes free courses on many STEM topics and even offers a guide to Python for beginners. 

Networking events 

Explore the networking events in the sector you’re interested in or run by employers you’d like to work for. Attending these events offers you the fantastic opportunity to get to know recruiters personally and build useful connections which might help you secure a job.  

Interested in events? Find out about the Bright Network events running. 

University societies 

Joining a society, either as a member or in a committee position, can be really useful for your career. Not only are you networking and building connections, you’re also building a skillset and demonstrating your interest in your chosen subject. 

Personal projects 

Undertaking personal projects allows you to showcase your creativity and passion. Whether it's building a website, creating a portfolio or developing a mobile app, these projects serve as tangible evidence of your skills for potential employers. 

Some of our members at Bright Network have completed fantastic personal projects either as part of a society, during a hack-a-thon or just because they have a personal interest. For inspiration, here are some examples of past projects by Bright network members! 

Using your experience to get ahead with applications 

As you build your experience outside your degree, it’s crucial to effectively highlight this on your CV and in job applications. Make sure to update your CV regularly (and for every job you apply to) so you can demonstrate the most up to date and relevant skills you have. 

Want to boost your CV? Check out our CV advice, including downloadable templates, to help you elevate your CV. 

Getting ahead in your career journey involves building your skills to make yourself a fantastic candidate for your dream job. By actively seeking experiences beyond the academic setting, you not only enrich your skill set but also distinguish yourself in a competitive job market. Whether through personal projects, online courses, networking events, or university societies, the added layers of experience make you a more compelling candidate. Embrace the opportunities available to you, be proactive in your approach, and watch as your CV transforms into a testament of your passion, initiative, and readiness for the professional world.