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What is a vacation scheme?

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What is a vacation scheme?

A law vacation scheme is a one or two-week internship or work experience placement with a law firm, usually taking place in either the spring, summer or winter.

Law firms use vac schemes to seek out new talent. So, if you're interested in applying to a particular firm, completing a vacation scheme with them is a great way to get yourself noticed and fast-tracked onto a training contract. Plus, it gives you the chance to test them out as well.

In some firms, almost all their training contract cohort comes from vacation schemes, so these schemes are extremely likely to increase your chances of getting a training contract.

What are the benefits of a vacation scheme?

A key benefit of completing a vacation scheme is the increased likelihood of securing a training contract. But there are other benefits.

You’ll get the chance to network and engage with experienced lawyers. These people will provide useful advice that’ll help you secure roles later in your law career. Learning about different law firms and the way they operate gives you valuable insight for future jobs and interviews. In addition, the experience gained on a vacation scheme will be useful for a wide range of real-life working scenarios.

A vac scheme is a great way to show your enthusiasm. By making it know that you’re keen and hardworking, you’ll increase the likelihood of future job opportunities – training contracts included.

Find out how to turn your vacation scheme into a training contract.

Who can apply to a vacation scheme?

Vacation schemes are open to students studying law or non-law undergraduate degrees. When you apply is different depending on if you’re studying law. Non-law students apply in the final year of their undergraduate degree (at the earliest). In contrast, law students are able to apply from their second year onwards.

Vac schemes aren’t just for undergraduate students. Graduates and post-graduates are also welcome to apply. Many law firms encourage people across various career stages to reach out.

If you’re in your first year and are looking to do a vacation scheme, some firms organise first-year-specific vac schemes. However, employers are more likely to target open days and insight programmes towards first-years, so look out for these. If you’d like to see how Bright Network member Imaadh secured a first-year scheme, check out his success story.

When are vacation scheme application deadlines?

Vacation schemes take place during the summer, spring and winter university holidays. Generally, applications for spring and summer vacation schemes take place between October and January.

Many firms run their recruitment on a rolling basis, so they’ll keep accepting applications until they’ve received enough. When this happens, applications close before the deadline. So, it’s important to get your application in as early as possible. You don’t want to miss out because you thought you had more time!

Winter vac schemes have a shorter window to apply, with applications usually opening in October and closing in November. In some cases, winter vacation schemes are less competitive due to the smaller application time.

Opening and closing dates vary by firm so research each firm's details as part of your planning and preparation.

How many vacation schemes should I apply for?

As vacation schemes are competitive, we recommend you apply for several. If you only apply to one firm, the chances of getting a scheme place are slim. This isn’t a reflection on you – it’s because firms receive so many high quality applications. The more you apply for, the more chances you’ve got of being successful. But applying to lots is risky if your applications suffer.

You need enough time to tailor each application to the specific law firm. If you apply for too many, you risk your applications feeling vague and rushed.

A reasonable and realistic number of applications is between five and seven, depending on your timeframe and other commitments. It’s unlikely you’ll have time to tailor more than 10 applications.

How to get a vacation scheme

Getting a vac scheme generally starts with sending in a CV and cover letter as part of an application form. If the law firm likes what they see, you’ll be invited for an interview.

How to write a CV for a vacation scheme

When writing a CV for a vac scheme, include all your relevant experiences and skills.

The law firm is looking for two key things: genuine interest in the law and experience in the skills required to be a successful lawyer. So, make sure your CV mentions any relevant events or insight days you’ve attended and notable journals you read. Also, highlight skills from your extra-curricular activities which are transferable, such as research, presentations, teamwork, attention to detail and so on.

The personal profile section should include your career aims and areas of law you wish to specialise in. Make sure these align with the firm you’re applying to.

In terms of work experience, it’s fine if you don’t have any law work experience. But do call out anything law-related, such as law society at your uni.

You should also include references on your CV (eg. a uni lecturer and someone you’ve worked for previously). Make sure your references are happy for potential employers to contact them before you give out their details.

Want more CV advice?

Visit our article on ways to make your CV stand out, including focusing on results, using LinkedIn and keeping it concise.

How to write a cover letter for a vacation scheme

When writing cover letters for vacation schemes, tailor each one to each firm. Don’t write one cover letter and use it for every firm you apply to. It’ll be too generic.

A cover letter is the perfect opportunity to show your motivations for working in law and for choosing that specific firm. Use it to introduce yourself, explain why you’re applying to that firm and mention any other relevant information.

If you’re uploading a cover letter as part of a bigger application form, don’t repeat the examples you’ve used to answer questions on the form. Take your chance to share even more skills and experience and only repeat something if it’s particularly significant.

Read up on why tailoring your cover letter for every application is important. Your cover letter is the first impression you give to the potential employer, so make it count!

Vacation scheme application tips

General advice for applications would be to:

  • Create a list of all the firms you’d like to apply for
  • Apply to several, well before the deadlines
  • Search for relevant skills and attributes of a successful lawyer – develop these and show you’ve got them
  • Be prepared to discuss your reasons for wanting to join the scheme
  • If you’re applying for a commercial law role, regularly check business publications, like The Financial Times or The Economist, so that you grow your commercial awareness

Want more advice? Read our top tips for a successful vacation scheme application.

What to expect during a vacation scheme

Every firm is different, so tasks will vary depending on the law firm you do your vacation scheme with. But, as an idea, daily tasks will include things like:

  • Performing paralegal research
  • Reviewing legal documents and proofreading
  • Attempting group projects
  • Simulating real working scenarios (eg. mock negotiations and attending court)
  • Administrative tasks
  • Attending seminars, workshops, Q&As and social events with partners, associates or trainees

Some of your time on a vac scheme is about getting to know the firm, the kind of work they take on and the people who work there. You’ll have lots of time to get to know your temporary colleagues to help build your network.

Are vacation schemes paid?

Vacation scheme salaries vary from firm to firm, but all vac schemes are paid work.

Legally, you’re entitled to earn the National Living Wage or the National Minimum Wage (depending on your age).

If you’re 18-20, the law firm must pay you the National Minimum Wage for your age group. As of April 2024, this is £8.60 per hour. If you’re 21 or over, all firms must pay you the National Living Wage which, as of April 2024, is £11.44 per hour.

To help you out, many law firms traditionally cover food and travel expenses for your time working there too.

While law firms will pay you for your work, think about what else you’ll gain beyond money. The most important thing is that you apply to firms that specialise in the areas of law you’re interested in working. So, think about which firms will benefit your career the most in the long term, rather than the ones that pay the most in the short term. It’s tempting to look for those paying the most per hour but it’s only worth it if you’d consider working in this area of law.

How to prepare for a vacation scheme

It’s important you prepare for your vacation scheme. Here’s our advice on how to get ready and increase your chances of securing a training contract before you even start:

Decide on goals

Get organised early on and form a plan with your vacation scheme goals. Write down what you’re hoping to get out of it. Creating a plan will make navigating through the scheme easier. Plus, having clear ideas of what you’d like to achieve will impress your employers.

Prepare questions to ask

Having a list of questions before you start shows enthusiasm. Split them into a few queries for each department. Think about what you’d like to ask trainees if you want to pursue a training contract. Advice from trainees is very helpful if you’d like to follow a similar path.

Plan your first day

You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure it’s a good one. Work out your journey and arrive on time – or even early. Get dressed to match the firm’s dress policy and be confident when meeting people. It’s also a good idea to find out who you’ll be meeting and what their roles involve before you get there.

How to make the best of your vacation scheme

You want to get as much as possible out of your vacation scheme. During the scheme, you’re monitored constantly so you need to always impress. Here are some tips for making the best out of your vacation scheme:

Be proactive

If you finish your tasks, let whoever set them know. Sometimes, they’ll give you something else to do.

If there are times when you don’t have any set work to do, make yourself useful in other areas by seeing where else you’re able to help. Your colleagues will notice – and be grateful for – your proactivity.


A vacation scheme is great for building connections. Attend organised social events and build a rapport with the people you meet – not just the other people on the vac scheme but also those working above you or on other teams.

One way to start networking is by adding everyone you meet on LinkedIn. It gives you a longer lasting connection and lets you learn more about them. Sometimes, you’ll find you went to the same uni or have similar interests.

Want to learn how to use LinkedIn to the fullest? Check out our LinkedIn guide for students and grads.

Keep notes

Every day of a vacation scheme is different. Over the entire scheme, you’ll work a huge variety of tasks. Keep track of what you do and who you do it for. Your notes will be valuable to you for any training contract interview, especially if it’s at the same firm.

Keeping a record of the work you do will come in handy when you make future applications. With notes, you’ll also be able to look back on them and assess whether the firm was a good fit for you.

Work hard

A career in law is hard work, so all firms expect aspiring lawyers to be hardworking. Always show a good attitude and work as efficiently, productively and professionally as possible.

What to do after a vacation scheme ends

When you leave, send a thank you email to the people you worked closely with and highlight how much you enjoyed it. After that, keep in touch on LinkedIn (if appropriate).

Finally, make use of the skills you’ve learned and built upon. Consistently show that you’ve got the skills a law firm wants to see in a future lawyer, such as teamwork, effective communication, problem-solving and commercial awareness. The more you keep practising these, the better you’ll get.

Does a vacation scheme lead to a training contract?

Having legal industry experience will help you secure a training contract. Lots of training contract offers come from vacation schemes so they’re a great way of getting noticed. However, it’s not the only way to get a training contract. Work shadowing and insight days also give you lots of exposure.

Following our advice will increase the likelihood of your vacation scheme leading to a training contract offer. Lots of students take part in vac schemes, so make sure you’re the one who stands out the most – for the right reasons.

Key takeaways

Vacation schemes are a perfect way to get ahead in your law career, particularly to help you secure a training contract and boost your CV. The schemes take place in the spring, summer and winter so get ready to submit applications throughout the year. Once you’re offered a place on a scheme, use our tips to make the most of it.

Ready to start your career in law?

Are you excited to take the first step towards a rewarding career in law? Explore vac schemes that are open for applications.