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Exam season: A quick break from the study books...

Exam season. Both stressful (with revision, essays and group projects piling up and time dwindling) and exhilarating (less than two months until the Summer holidays begin).

Spending huge amounts of time in the library is a given, but a healthy work-life balance, plus plenty of rest to rejuvenate brain-cells, is a must. Finding the right things to occupy your down time with? Now that can be difficult. But never fear. We’ve cased the World Wide Web today and found two brilliant articles to take your mind off revision (but still keep it bright).

1. Procrastination – almost everyone suffers from it. Putting things off until the last minute, decorating your notes so they ‘look nice’, writing out copious amounts of notes from textbooks, ‘researching’ instead of writing. We’ve found a top article on how to combat it. Click here to read it.

2. Motivation – sometimes the goals we set ourselves seems huge, epic, outrageous. So how can you maintain motivation when your mission is that big? Here’s some advice from seasoned leaders.

And if you’ve had enough of reading for the day, and want a quick endorphin rush from a hilarious video, we’ve also sourced three of our favourite animal clips:

1. Police dog interview

2. Seal says hello to surfers

3. Screaming deer