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The brightest need a break: Five top revision breaks

Revision. A word set to cause mild panic among students. We often focus on the multitude of revision techniques but not on the ways to make the most of your revison breaks. Here are five great ways to enjoy your breathers between working your way to top marks.

1. Get up and move around

It's a classic for a reason. Whether it’s just a quick trip to the local shop or a stroll downstairs to put the kettle on, movement is crucial.

For our more active members, why not try a short exercise routine? Here are our top picks... 

2. Free your mind

Chances are you've been staring at a screen or textbook for the best part of an hour. Why not kick back in your favourite chair or lie down on your bed, stick on a little bit of music (Spotify even offer a student discount), close your eyes and empty your mind.

Having this kind of break ensures you stay refreshed but it also serves as a handy indicator in terms of how much you can remember. When you get back to it, run a quick test to recap the essential points from your previous session.

3. Make yourself laugh

If you’ve had your head stuck in a book for the majority of the day, rejoice for a short while in the mindless amusement available on the internet. My money is always on www.textfromdog.tumblr.com for ridiculous laughs but obviously there are a plethora of choices out there. Just keep it snappy - don’t get sucked into the wormhole of the wider net. Seriously. 

4. Eat, drink & rejuvenate

It seems obvious but indulging in a bit of food and (soft) drink are sure fire ways of breaking up the day. More importantly, you'll get the nutrition you need to power your revision session. If you’ve been stuck at your desk, heading out to the local shops may give you the fresh air you need too. Just try not to fall into the sugar and salt binge trap. These ingredients won't help energy levels in the long run... But a little treat every now and then of something you fancy will do wonders for morale. 

5. Showtime

Clearly there should be scope to take a break for some more instantaneous gratification. With the introduction of Netflix, it’s never been easier to switch over to your favourite show for a bit of light relief. The only danger is getting absorbed into a marathon session. However with a good sense of discipline and even a ‘reward’ scheme (one episode after an hour/two hours work) it is also a great way to keep your mind fresh.

The end result

This list is by no means a definitive guide on how to use breaks throughout the revision process. We've put it together to give you some ideas on how to make those all important breathers that bit more enjoyable. Because it's those little moments that can make the whole thing that little bit brighter. But trust us, all the hard work you put in now will be worth it. But then again you already know that.