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Revision tips from successful university students

With exam season looming we asked you, our Bright Network members to share your one golden revision tip on our Facebook page. Here are the cream of the crop...


1. Digital flashcards

Use Anki to create digital flashcards. Anki is a mobile and computer app - the best thing about it is that it tests you more often on the flashcards you're finding trickiest. It's much more effective than traditional flashcards.

2. The perfect soundtrack

Video game music is designed to keep users engaged and motivated. Listening to a game soundtrack is a great way to stay focused during revision.

3. Just say no

Not everyone has exams like you do and it's absolutely acceptable to refuse extra hours at work or a day out with friends. Be assertive - without being aggressive - and learn to say no. 

4. The final countdown

Have a countdown to your exams somewhere visible. It makes you realise how little time you have and stops you from procrastinating quite so much.

5. Mix it up

It's important to not only concentrate on one subject during the revision day. Tackle different subjects to avoid boredom and keep your brain engaged.


Thank you for sharing your top revision tips with us and congratulations to Eleanor, Catrin and Oge - they submitted the top three pieces of advice and are the lucky winners of a bright revision survival pack.