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International Women's Day Student Leadership Board

Book open Reading time: 4 mins

We're thrilled to introduce the Student Leadership Board for International Women's Day. The Student Leadership Board provides a point for collaboration between Bright Network and our members.

The Board members have taken an elevated role prior to the event by supporting with outreach and influencing some of the behind-the-scenes of the event, such as panel topics. They will also be providing support on the day during the networking and panel sessions to help maximise the benefits of the event for all attendees.Look out for them on 8th March - if this is your first in-person event or first time networking in a while and are feeling a bit nervous about the event, the Board members are the perfect people to go to for networking advice!

Aiseosa Eweka-Okera

Aiseosa Eweka - Okera is a 2nd-year student at the University of Cambridge where she studies Human, Social and Political science.  Outside of her academic studies she is founder of an online empowerment platform called ‘GodgirlUK’, where she creates content which aim to inspire, encourage, and push young girls to unleash their potential. Girls education is quite close to her heart, she is actively involved in the development sector in and outside of the UK through her role as an ambassador of the Girls Network a charity that aims to provide young girls with positive role models.  

Anisa Zaman

Anisa is a penultimate year Geography student at the London School of Economics, looking for opportunities in consultancy and the civil service. She has experience in the non-profit sector and is now looking for opportunities in the private sector, to broaden her experience and skills. Feel free to contact her via LinkedIn and learn about the skillset she already has Anisa Zaman | LinkedIn!

Ambika Bharadwaj

Ambika Bharadwaj is a final year student at Imperial College London, pursuing an MEng degree in Molecular Bioengineering. She has been actively involved in Imperial's Student Union, and also founded a society, Girl Up Imperial, that focuses on striving for gender equality on campus. In her free time, she loves to write for the college newspaper, read books, and paint!

Anoushka Negi

Anoushka is a third-year student studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Liverpool. During her time at university, she has undertaken modules related to international trade and public policy, acquiring a particular interest for international relations. She has recently enjoyed learning about gender and global politics, producing a report on how to strengthen women’s global political participation. She has also developed a passion for political journalism, regularly incorporating her knowledge of current affairs into her academic work and writing for the United Nations Association-Youth Platform newsletter. In her spare time, she enjoys swimming, pottery painting and learning to cook new recipes.

Esther Mead

Esther is a first-year undergraduate student reading History at UCL, and is delighted to be a member on this year's Student Leadership Board. She is particularly interested in politics and international relations, and her goal is to one day work for the United Nations Women's Organization, or perhaps become the first female leader of the UN! She is really interested in empowering women, whether that be in the workplace or at home, and learning how to use her skills efficiently to secure future success. Esther loves reading, travelling (having spent some of her gap year working in Paris), and meeting new people, and is super excited to meet lots of different women at the International Women's Day event!

Mazvita Marume

Mazvita Marume is an accounting and finance student in her first year at the University of Birmingham. In the future she hopes to purse a career in the financial sector. She is passionate about the progress being made in creating more inclusive environments within companies. Alongside her studies she represerts her university as part of the Cheerleading team. She looks forward to learning from successful women and meeting more like minded individuals.

Namita Pezheri

Currently pursuing an MSc in Organisational Psychiatry and Psychology at King’s College London, Namita is an aspiring Organisational Psychologist with key interests in employee well-being, diversity, inclusion, and the global workforce. Driven towards personal and professional growth, she intends to contribute towards destigmatising mental health at the workplace, starting with her ongoing research on international employees. Having been a student in India, USA and the UK, she enjoys meeting different people and learning new skills, apart from her love for dogs and yoga. She has held multiple leadership positions while in school, college and now works as a subject ambassador at King’s College London.

Nancy Tupling

Nancy Tupling is a second-year university student currently studying Politics and Anthropology at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. She is originally from West Yorkshire. At university Nancy is involved in many societies, including President of Bandtogether Cambridge (mental health charity), College-Rep Coordinator for Pink Week (fundraising week for breast cancer charities) and Vice-President of Cambridge University Northern Society. Nancy is interested in marketing, consultancy, HR-related internship opportunities. 

Priyanka Athreya

Priyanka Athreya is a final year BSc Economics student at the University of Leeds. She is an international student from India and has been an active member of Bright Network. While she enjoys taking on several leadership roles and challenges, Priyanka is a fun-loving and friendly individual who also wishes to make the most of her time.

Sumaya Choudhury

A 2nd year King’s College London Student, studying Religion, Politics and Society with a deep rooted interest in the third sector. A student activist, content creator and future leader, adamant to achieve social justice and become a humanitarian. Currently representing King’s as a civic scholar and Widening Participation Ambassador, both on and off campus.