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    Event summary 2018: Women in Leadership London

    Book open Reading time: 3 mins

    The mission for Women in Leadership is to inspire and equip our female members on the network with the skills and confidence they need to get ahead in their careers. During this year’s edition we were stunned by the level of engagement and drive shown to us by all our female members. We had candidates travelling all the way from France to be a part of the day to explore different career paths and meet directly with top firms in the Finance, Banking, Asset Management and Professional Service sectors.

    “It’s been a very exciting and brilliant day, it’s so different from all the career fairs in France. During a fun, relaxed environment I received valuable advice and all the tools and knowledge we need to make an outstanding application to leading companies“ - Amel from EM Lyon Business School

    The day started off with a networking session, giving the attendees an opportunity to get to know each other and find out things they have in common with one another. After this quick session the day kicked off with a warm welcome and keynote presentation form UBS’s Managing Director, Global Head of Quant Solutions and Data Solutions; Tamera White. She told her story on how she excelled in male-dominated industries and inspired our members to grow their confidence and gave them the tools they need to carve out their own personal career.

    Next up, a Skills Session with Bright Networks Senior Digital Account Manager Hanna Persson and Head of Membership Ben Triggs that cover what Employers Look for in a Candidate. Our members gained tips and tricks on how to ace their CV and make a stand out application. This was followed by an inspirational talk from Alumni Laura Ray’s. She told the members about her success story and how she secured a role at Deloitte as a Strategy & Operations Consulting Analyst.

    “Don’t be afraid to take the time out to reflect and think of what’s the next step in your career, what you originally planned is sometimes not the direction you end up taking” – Laura Ray

    The day continued on together with premier sponsor UBS’s representative Stefan Rowell, Senior Learning Delivery Specialist giving the members the knowledge they need to build their own personal brand in the best way together with what it takes to go from university to the workplace.

    After lunch it was time for what many members told us were the highlight of the day – structured networking. Here they got to build personal relationships with representatives from some of the largest companies in the world including UBS, Insight Investment, Bank of England, Berenberg, J.P Morgan, Lazard, Ruffer, London Business School, T. Rowe Price, Accenture, Goldman Sachs, Atos, HSBC, American Express and Smith & Williamson.

    “I never thought about any industries other than accounting, but coming here today and meeting firms from so many different sectors opened my eyes to other industries such as Investment Banking“ -  Cloe from University of Liverpool

    The last session of the day was a panel interview hearing from successful female leaders in their industries. Every panel included 5 participants from our partner firms. Meaning, women from a wide range of sectors giving the members top tips on how to accelerate their careers, how they personally overcame career challenges and encouraged and inspired our members to become future female leaders.

    The day was rounded off with the Bright Network Awards ceremony, where the firms chose to reward Bright Network members who had achieved excellence. This year we had 5 amazing females who stood out for their achievements during the year. 

    Take a look at more pictures from the event here.

    What's next?

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