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What makes the WBS MSc experience unique?

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Our MSc student ambassadors share their thoughts on why they chose to study at WBS, and how they have developed both academically and personally through the unique experiences available to them at WBS.

Suyash Agarwal, MSc Management

Change Makers

For me studying at Warwick Business School means being open to new ideas, viewpoints and new voices, helping me take on new perspectives and challenge my thinking every day. From working in a different and diverse team for group assignments to attending seminars for course modules, the experience that I am getting at WBS is so different from what I have experienced before. My course focuses on developing students into business leaders and demonstrates the pathway to becoming a successful manager in the world of business. At WBS, students embody the Change Maker values and have a passionate drive to make a positive difference in the world of business and beyond.

WBS CareersPlus

Career and personal development were the most important things to me when I started my journey at WBS, and the help and support that the CareersPlus team provide to students is unique. The team have helped me with many bespoke mock interviews and assessment centres depending on the company and sector that I am targeting, whilst also organising several workshops to help students write professional CVs and cover letters tailored to the roles we are applying for. This helped me to develop myself, enhance my employability skills and improve the prospects of achieving my career goals.

Learning a new language

The advantages of learning a new language in today’s world is hugely beneficial as the business world is becoming increasingly globalised and bilingual. One of the great aspects of studying the MSc Management course is that it includes free foreign language study in the evenings during the first term where students have the opportunity to develop basic new language skills.

International study weeks

As an MSc Management student, I can also apply to join one of the international study weeks to gain an awareness of international business culture through first-hand experience. This year we have been offered study weeks at Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management (Brussels), IE Business School (Madrid), SDA Bocconi School (Milan) and the University Of Cape Town Graduate School Of Business (Cape Town). The purpose of the study week trips is to provide an insight into the country’s economy by focusing on entrepreneurship and technological innovations. Although the key agenda for these study trips is quite intense and education focused, you also get some free time to explore these magnificent cities and learn about the culture. I would certainly say that this trip will be a huge highlight of my course and a truly unique experience.

What makes WBS different?

WBS immerses me in what it means to lead and manage a business as a whole, helping me to discover how to bring teams and skillsets together in order to make great decisions and successfully implement them in today’s highly competitive global business markets.

Mamta Marasini, MSc Business with Marketing

As an MSc student when I get ready each morning and put my lanyard on with my WBS ID card it’s a reminder for me to focus hard and push my capabilities for the day ahead. However, that is definitely easier said than done.

As an international student, making my way to WBS has been a life-changing experience. I wanted to come to WBS to reach my future career aspirations and I was ready to face the challenges of an intensive MSc course in order to do this. From the moment I started at WBS, there were lots of opportunities to meet new people and fully immerse myself in my new environment. One of my favourite memories from the start of term was a trip to Warwick Castle where I had the opportunity to meet my classmates and learn more about my new surroundings.

I feel that the WBS experience is truly unique because the business school cares about its students and thrives to give equal opportunities to everyone. We are all designated as ‘Change Makers’ as WBS believes that we can bring curiosity, excellence, openness and restlessness to our future working environments. Don’t get me wrong, the courses are highly competitive and intense but WBS welcomes students who are ready to take on challenges and that’s what made it stand out to me when decided where to apply for my MSc course. My personal experience at WBS has been life-changing and I have changed as a person through an amalgamation of self-development, learning and being part of an international cohort.

The WBS experience is unique to me because of the following:

  1. Creating a new type of learning experience – I am able to fully focus on my studies in a study environment where I feel engaged and motivated every day enabling me to meet set deadlines and remain consistent.
  2. Endless opportunities - at WBS there are numerous opportunities for students to be involved in and the amazing CareersPlus team can help you to secure internships, placements and graduate roles so you can excel in your future career.
  3. Providing a highly competitive environment - students at WBS are competitive and as brand ambassadors of WBS I compete to be the best that I can be.
  4. Having the opportunity to work with students with a range of diverse mindsets - working on group projects has allowed me to understand and value my classmate’s opinions and has also helped to build my confidence in my own opinions and ideas.

Whilst studying for my undergraduate degree in India, my study habits were very different from what they are today. My experience at WBS so far has been a journey of self-development and after my completing my MSc Business with Marketing course I feel ready to step into the business world with new-found confidence.

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