Trainee Fund Accountant Q&A | Langham Hall

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We heard from Pádraig and Deborah, Trainee Accountants at Langham Hall, about their experience on the graduate programme.

Deborah Omoshola - Langham Hall

What kind of tasks have you completed / do you complete on a daily basis?

DO: Since joining Langham Hall, I have been involved in a variety of initiatives to help simplify the current fund accounting processes. I undertake a range of daily tasks including bookkeeping, addressing client queries, helping during the audit of financial statements, preparing VAT returns and distribution notices.

I’ve also been responsible for handling HMRC inquiries regarding VAT matters which has meant, I have played a key role in preparing both management accounts and financial statements, contributing to the overall efficiency and accuracy of our day-to-day operations. Over the last six months, I have been able to continuously learn and develop through Langham Hall’s various internal training programmes.

PC: Working in a client-focused environment, daily tasks vary and encompass a large variety of recurring activities such as general bookkeeping, periodic reporting and ensuring individual client-specific requirements are met. Since starting the Trainee Fund Accountant role, it has become evident how key financial deadlines bring specific demands to the role. For example, as our client has just closed their financial reporting year, our team is currently focused on preparing financial statements and participating in the preparation of the client’s audit. Before you begin the working day, you may have planned what you are going to try complete but as the day unfolds, new tasks and challenges arise.

What did you find the most challenging in your first few weeks/months? How did you overcome it?

DO: During my first few weeks as a Trainee Fund Accountant I found navigating the systems and procedures challenging as they were completely new to me. However, I have an extremely supportive line manager and team who made sure I was comfortable enough to approach them with any questions I had regardless of how many times I asked. In addition, in the first few weeks the Learning & Development team ensured that I was trained on everything that I’d be working on which helped me immensely as it allowed me to further understand the role I would be doing.

PC: Like starting any job, there is always going to be an adaption phase, where you begin to settle into your role. New challenges and difficulties arise, such as facing a period where you feel lost or ill-prepared for the role or being unfamiliar with certain policies and practices carried out within the company. However, this is where the support from your team really comes into play. Knowing that I joined a team that is full of people willing to help answer any queries that I may have has really helped me during this settling in period. As well as this, as I joined in a large graduate intake, knowing most of my new-found colleagues and friends were also feeling the same way meant that we could rely on each other for support when needed.

Are you involved in any extracurricular activities at Langham Hall? Or are there any you would like to join?

DO: I am looking to get more involved in the extracurricular activities which are on offer at Langham Hall. One which I am keen to join is the Diversity and Inclusion Committee who have organised a variety of initiatives including the International Women’s Day celebrations.

PC: There are a wide range of extra-curricular activities offered to employees at Langham Hall. The most anticipated event of every quarter is the team socialising event. The events vary from team dinners, drinks or a fun activity in the city. Not only is this a great way to bond with your team, but it also allows you to meet newer members of the wider teams as well.

Padraig Casey - Langham Hall

What are your tips/recommendations for anyone starting a Graduate Programme?

DO: A Graduate Programme is an exciting opportunity! I advise that you set clear goals to stay focused and motivated. Juggling studying and working can be challenging so by working towards set goals it has helped me stay on track.

One of my top tips is to embrace learning, be teachable and committed to ongoing professional development. Take full advantage of the opportunities which are offered to you.

PC: My main recommendation to anyone starting the Graduate Programme is to ask as many questions as possible. Although you may think it is annoying team members, they want you to succeed, become more knowledgeable and more efficient in your role. The only way you can do this is to ask questions, to try to understand the reasoning behind practices and processes. At the end of the day, the Graduate Programme is all about learning and the best way to learn in this environment is to rely on your peers for support.

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