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Malcolm - Audit in Manchester

Malcolm attended an open day with us while he was studying Geology at the University of Manchester. He liked what he heard and after graduating, he joined our Audit team in Manchester.

“Since joining, I’ve found the people I work with to be on a similar wavelength to me. There’s a really good team spirit and a good social side too, and I’ve made what I think will be lifelong friends.

I chose to join the Intensive Programme, which is where you do all of your exams in the first year. After that, you work in the office and complete the final case study. It’s tough to do so many exams in a relatively short time frame, but for me, it was worth it. I like the peace of mind that comes from knowing I’ve got all of my exams out of the way.

“I love the sheer breadth of experiences, the exposure to huge organisations and the challenging work.” 

It’s rewarding when you reflect on your progress – when you realise you didn’t know what was going on at first. The variety is great too. Different organisations present you with different challenges. We work with everyone from very small family businesses right up to FTSE 100 companies.  One of my most interesting audit engagements was with a shipping company.

In Audit, we use technologies to analyse data. It’s all about delivering high quality audits with pinpoint accuracy. Technology helps us in other ways too. For example, there’s an app our Tech team created for us which we use at a stock take. It enables us to record the information digitally. It makes life so much easier and helps to ensure every detail is tracked.

You find yourself looking at some pretty complex stuff and initially you think, ‘I can’t do this.’ But there’s a lot of support and experienced colleagues on hand to coach you through it. It’s like you’ve got a small family that you can rely on.”