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Aaron Kumar: Working for John Lewis Partnership

Why did you pick JLP?

I picked JLP because I always admired the way they do business and wanted to work for an organisation that conducts itself in the right way. I also liked the flexibility that the graduate scheme offered in allowing me to shape my own career - and explore a variety of different job roles and functions.

What skills or experiences at university best prepared you for your career at JLP?

The sheer variety of assessment style at university prepared me well for my career. Most jobs require the ability to create and perform presentations, produce engaging reports and assignments, keep to deadlines and show effective time management. Working with others, building networks and social/emotional intelligence are also extremely valuable skills in the workplace - and university is undoubtedly a great place to pick up all of these. 

What has surprised you about your role or the firm, since joining JLP?

There are two things that surprised me most about the organisation. Firstly, the importance, size and scale of the democratic structure, and secondly the complexity of the entire organisation. There are so many departments/functions/teams that I'd never thought of - or ever dreamt existed! It's been a real eye opener to go and explore as many of them as possible. The scheme also surprised me in that during the course of my first year, my views and ideas on my own career path and where I wanted to take it changed - and a whole raft of different roles and new possibilities have opened themselves up. 

How would you describe the culture and working environment?

The JLP culture is extremely warm and welcoming - with a great team spirit, whilst also being driven, hard-working and full of partners who take real pride and ownership in their work. 

Tell us about an average day at JLP?/What is your current role like?

It's the biggest cliché in the workplace, but there is genuinely no such thing as an average day in my current role! On any given day I might be filming an event, editing together highlights from an event, sending out an important message or announcement, producing content for our intranet, working with our weekly internal magazine team, or organising and planning an event/conference. It's this kind of variety that I found so appealing about the role!