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Jack Thompson: Ford offers an immense level of support

In Vehicle Cybersecurity Application Engineer, Jack, gives his top three tips on applying for the Ford Pro graduate scheme.

What is your current role?

In Vehicle Cybersecurity Application Engineer

What is your favourite thing about working for Ford?

Engaging with people from all over the world (US, Turkey, Germany, India and Brazil)

What has been the biggest surprise?

The level of support I receive as an apprentice and the amount of responsibility I am given only having been here just over 1 year

What makes Ford different?

The immense level of support you are given to help you develop in your roles

What are your top tips for graduates applying for the Ford Pro graduate scheme?

1. Be yourself 2. Meet with everyone you can 3. Embrace responsibility

Want to follow in Jack's footsteps, then take a look at the current opportunities with Ford