Making an Impact: Invesco’s Collaborative Session With 100 Women in Finance

On Wednesday, 14th February, Invesco opened its doors and hosted a session in coordination with 100 Women in Finance. A group of young women from across different London universities were invited to our London office to understand a little more about Invesco and a possible career in Asset Management.

The event kicked off with a networking session followed by a panel discussion, before breaking out into small groups to learn a bit more about the different roles that are available within Invesco, as well as the functions they sit in. Our employees were equally curious to hear from the students themselves about their perceptions of the broader industry and preconceptions on what both excites them and intimidates them about Finance/Asset Management; jargon was high on that list.

100 Women in Finance is a global membership organisation focused on advancing women into board and executive leadership positions within the finance industry. They are committed to building a more diverse and gender equitable finance industry by promoting diversity of thought, raising visibility, and empowering women to find their personal path to success which aligns perfectly with our DE&I goals.

“We are grateful to Invesco for partnering to produce this site visit. It was one of the most engaging and interesting events of its kind I've attended, and students clearly agreed: 100% of survey respondents reported that the event changed their perceptions of the finance industry, and 100% planned to pursue opportunities at Invesco!” 

- Allison Jegla, Global Director of Impact - 100 Women in Finance