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Insight into Lidl: Polly, Head Office Graduate Programme

By Lidl

Polly loves the variety of experiences her programme offers. She recognises that you get out what you put in with Lidl and throws herself at every opportunity that comes her way.


Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m most passionate about sport. My favourite hobby is running, and I actually ran the London marathon through Lidl with the NSPCC and raised £2,300 through that as well as bake sales and raffles at work. I’ve also done the ‘Lidl Mudder’ challenge with my marketing team!

My role model is my sister - she’s really bright, really bubbly and she gives everything a god and loves trying new things.

I think my strengths are that I’m social, and I think this really helps me with work – networking around the business. If I ever need any help, I know who to call on. I’d say I’m really enthusiastic, throw myself into everything that comes my way. And I’m adaptable which helps, as every single day at Lidl is different, and I’m always taking on new roles and responsibilities.

Why did you choose Lidl?

I chose Lidl because the of the breadth of experience that you get, across the department and the business. I’ve even been able to spend time in store and in the warehouse as part of my programme.

How would you describe your grad programme?

I’d describe my grad programme as never being a dull moment. Every day is completely different and I’m always learning so much. If you’re someone who always wants to learn, then Lidl’s a great place for you.

My favourite thing about Lidl is the opportunities available to us – you really do get out what you put in. As someone who really wants to go the extra mile, Lidl really accommodates me and help me get the most out of my programme.

How do you get along with the other Grads?

I get along really well with the other grads; we’ve really got to know each other at the welcome events and training days that we’ve attended together.

What are you most proud of so far?

I’d say that I’m most proud of the ownership and products I’ve been able to deliver, I feel like a trusted member of the team. I’ve never been treated as ‘just a grad’, I’m always given full responsibility for everything I do.

What makes a good Lidl Grad?

Ambition, intuitiveness, and an eagerness to learn.

We as grads bring a lot of energy to the business, we’re always really eager to get started and we bring new perspectives and ideas to the table.

What words would you use to describe working at Lidl?

The words I would use to describe working at Lidl are rewarding, collaborative and challenging.

3 words to describe Lidl? "Rewarding, collaborative, challenging."