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Insight from Elin Owen


Elin is a first seat trainee in our Manchester office, sitting in Real Estate. She studied law at Cardiff University before completing the LPC and commencing her training contract in September 2020. Here, Elin discusses how she has found commencing her Training Contract during Covid-19.

Why did you choose BCLP?

It was important for me to choose a firm where the quality of training was high and offered exposure to blue-chip clients. As someone who wanted to do their training contract in Manchester, BCLP appealed to me as it is well-known for its legal excellence in the real estate sector in both its London and Manchester offices. The people I met from the firm before joining were friendly and approachable, which really made BCLP stand out as a firm that cared not only about its clients’ objectives, but for the well-being of its employees.

What was your virtual induction like?

Our virtual induction consisted of partner/associate presentations, interactive webinars, and helpful training sessions. We were able to see and speak to our cohort, contribute to discussions, and make use of the interactive features of an online conference. Though no replacement for a face-to-face induction, a virtual induction didn’t hinder our ability to take on all of the information necessary to join the firm.

How has the support been? How have you gotten to know fellow trainees? How have you settled into your new seats and gotten to know your new team?

Starting a new job can be challenging at the best of times, and during a pandemic is no exception. However, joining the firm at the same time as other trainees who are also WFH means that you are all in the same boat, and everyone is equally keen to pick up the phone for a chat. The support from the firm has also been positive- with frequent emails from our well-being team which have helped everyone to feel more connected as a firm.

What has been the most challenging part? Has there been anything unexpected? Or anything you would have done differently?

The most challenging part about beginning my training contract during the pandemic has been getting over the feeling that I am bothering people by asking questions. This is also true of not WFH… but there is something about leaning over to the desk next to you to quickly ask a question that feels less imposing on your colleagues’ time than an email or a phone call. This is something I still struggle with, but as I’ve gotten to know my team better, I’ve realised that they expect you to ask questions and understand it is part of the training process.

What are the best elements of WFH?

Enjoying the extra time created by not having to do the daily commute, and having the flexibility to work at times when I am most productive. (And being able to wear joggers to work!)