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How I did it: Secured a Training Contract with Charles Russell Speechlys

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Bright Network member Anna Reynolds tells us how she secured a Training Contract with Charles Russell Speechlys and gives her top application tips.

Why did you choose Charles Russell Speechlys?

I wanted to train at a firm that had a broad range of practice areas so that I could experience several different areas of law before I chose where to qualify. With expertise in private client law and corporate law, Charles Russell Speechlys had the best of both worlds! I also had a particular interest in Family Law, having based my dissertation on an element of Family Law, and knew that Charles Russell Speechlys had a fantastic reputation for Family Law work. Having met representatives from the firm at my university’s careers event, I felt that the personal approach of the firm and its focus on trainee development would be a perfect match for me.

What did the Trainee application process involve?

I submitted an online application and took part in a video interview when applying for the Vacation Scheme. Then to apply for the Training Contract I took part in an assessment day which contained a variety of exercises and a partner interview.

What was the most difficult part of the application process?

I found the video interview particularly hard because you don’t have quite the same atmosphere as a face-to-face interview, and you become much more aware of how long you are talking for when you have strict time limits. The practice ones that you can do definitely helped, though.

What was the most enjoyable part of the application process?

I enjoyed the interview with the partners. It was an opportunity for me to ask my own questions about the firm as well as for them to ask questions of me, and it felt like a ge’nuine interesting conversation. I also liked the quirkiness of the application form, a couple of the questions were more creative than the standard ones you have to answer, which really meant you had to think outside of the box. It also gave you a chance to make your own personality shine through.

How did you prepare for the application process?

I read up about the firm on their website and made sure I really understood what they felt distinguished them from other, similar law firms. Speaking to people who were already at Charles Russell Speechlys was the best way to find out what it was really like to work there, and careers events at university were a great way to be able to do that.

What top three tips would you give to someone who wanted to follow in your footsteps?

Tip 1: Relax

Definitely relax and be yourself in the interview – it gives you a chance to be more memorable and interesting for the interviewers to talk to than if you have pre-prepared answers. Saying that, it’s definitely important to really understand the firm, and know why you would suit the firm and vice versa: knowing what kind of law firm you think would suit you best is probably the key part of the application process. Finally, make the most of every opportunity you get to network and talk to people already in the profession!

Tip 2: Research

It's important to really understand the firm, and know why you would suit the firm and vice versa: knowing what kind of law firm you think would suit you best is probably the key part of the application process.

Tip 3: Network

Make the most of every opportunity you get to network and talk to people already in the profession!


Discover more about Charles Russell Speechlys and their career opportunities here.