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HFW Training Contract: Hania

Book open Reading time: 4 mins

We caught up with Hania, a second seat trainee at HFW to hear their thoughts on securing a Training Contract.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Hania, and I am a second seat trainee. I am currently sat in Aerospace, and joined HFW in 2022. I studied History at undergraduate and graduate level. In part because, with my Polish background, I have always had an international interest. This led me to studying in Berlin, Germany, as well as working abroad in Sydney, Australia, and eventually, to HFW! Outside of work I continue enjoying to travel, but also playing sports (primarily lacrosse and touch rugby). I also enjoy reading, attending concerts and the theatre, and of course, exploring the bars, bruncharies and pubs of London with friends!

Describe your journey into becoming a trainee at HFW.

I joined after studying History at undergraduate and postgraduate level, working in Sydney, Australia for seven months, and after teaching history at secondary school level. Before university, I studied at a state school in Hertfordshire, and did not have any family connections to the world of law nor the City. It was not until university that I began to consider a career in law.

I was first drawn to HFW when researching firms which offered international work, and after securing work experience at a maritime law boutique firm, I knew shipping law was something that interested me.

When I saw the opportunity to attend a HFW open day, with their reputation in shipping law and other exciting-sounding international sector specialisms such as aerospace, I was very keen to apply. After very much enjoying the day – hearing about the exciting and interesting cases and clients each sector had worked for, and appreciating the warm and welcoming impression I had of the people, I applied for the summer vacation scheme. I was fortunately successful, and after a week in the Energy and Resources team and week in the Shipping Litigation team, I was very happy to receive a training contract offer. I then completed my PGDL and LPC LLM, thankfully sponsored by HFW, and here I am!

What is the culture like at HFW?

We are lucky, in my opinion, to be in smaller cohorts – averaging about 8 trainees per intake with new intakes every six months. These smaller intakes have meant that the trainee culture has been very friendly and welcoming, and we don't feel like we are competing, but support each other across the teams. We go out after work together at least weekly and are always enjoying the excellent subsidised canteen and garden at lunch (soon to be replaced by a roof-terrace in our new building!). This also means that the firm is able to get to know you personally, and I have felt like I've been able to fully get involved in the work as well as social life! In both my seats so far I have enjoyed being able to get to know, work and socialise with individuals of all levels and have not felt a divide – from legal assistants to partners to business services.

What has surprised you most about being a trainee?

As a trainee at HFW, I have been surprised by how well people know each other across the firm – not just across the teams in London, but internationally. This has come from the sector-focus often having international elements and some have cross-sector involvement. I myself have already worked closely with Singapore, Piraeus, Dubai, Geneva and Paris.  This has meant that when I have discussed where I would like to go for my next seat I have been able to speak to partners, associates and trainees who have personal experience and contacts in all of the teams and offices from Paris to Melbourne. It surprised me as a trainee that the whole firm feels very much like one office.

What’s been your favourite project/thing you’re most proud of from your time so far?

I have worked on many exciting cases with very well known companies regarding collisions and crashes, explosions, very large vessels getting stuck in very large canals, and aircrafts being seized in Russia! It would be impossible to name a favourite.

What top tips would you give those wanting to secure a Training Contract?

We don't all have legal connections to help make our CVs shiny! I would therefore suggest that those who are in the same position as I was, and everyone, go apply and attend open days. You would be surprised how much a difference this would make as it is material proof to the person who ends up reading your application and interviewing you that you know the firm and want to be there. I would also recommend working out how to show that you are a fantastic investment for the firm you are applying for: yes, you may love an intellectual challenge and love working in a team, but law firms are ultimately businesses and want to know why they need to hire you!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Keep going – I have friends who received training contracts in their first year of applying, and friends who have received training contracts in their tenth year of applying! It will pay off! It takes resilience and a bit of luck to get a training contract, but you will get there if you keep trying.