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Here's what you can expect from Berenberg's Investment Bank Graduate Programme...

We caught up with some of Berenberg's past and present Investment Bank Graduate Programme cohort to find out they enjoyed about the scheme and what you can expect...

Beatrice - Berenberg
Beatrice, Investment Bank Graduate Programme
"I was attracted to Berenberg because it was a bit different. The recruitment process made me feel like one wanted to establish where I’d fit in. And on the programme, people take a personal interest in your rotations. It feels like each division’s personally invested in you and wants you to join them. I started the programme with a clear view of wanting to go into Wealth Management. But, in the process I’ve been equally positively surprised with the quality of all my rotations, and at just how much variety there is."
Edward - Berenberg

Edward, Investment Bank Graduate Programme
"One of the main things I enjoyed about the programme was being able to try a huge range of roles in the space of a year. It's quite intense, but it supercharges your career at the company. Now, I have a network of people in different teams and functions, which I think is really good for your visibility. I'm about to start a permanent equity research role and learning about those other roles, how people do those jobs and how they interact with my role, was really important. I learned a lot of really useful soft skills and technical skills in those areas, too."
Bethan - Berenberg

Bethan, Investment Bank Graduate Programme
"What appealed to me most about the programme was the rotations. It’s a unique proposition, because I’ll be able to try out anything and work out what I want to do afterwards. Berenberg’s such a diverse bank – not just in terms of gender and ethnicity, but in diversity of thought, too. In a lot of banks, you get the impression there’s an element of ‘group thought’ – everyone thinks the same way. At Berenberg, it’s very different and this cultivates interesting discussions. For example, the graduates come from a range of degree backgrounds – history, religious studies, biology – and this means in research, we’ll come up with totally different approaches."