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EY: What are strengths?

Book open Reading time: 1 min

What are strengths to EY?

A recruitment process is meant to be challenging

It is important to us that you get the opportunity to show us who you really are, what your strengths are and if you have the attributes and ambition we need in our people. This is why we took the bold step to implement strengths-based recruitment for all our graduate and schools opportunities.

So what is a strength? Professor Alex Linley, who helped design our selection methodology, describes a Strength as “a pre-existing capacity for a particular way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is authentic and energising to the user, and enables optimal functioning, development and performance”.

Understanding and utilising your strengths will help us define you as a person, and enable you to perform at your best in a role and have a fulfilling professional life.

We create all the assessment tools for our world-class training programmes by looking at the successful people in our business, and then design challenging and unbiased tests to assess your strengths. Every year we re-validate our all of our methods to ensure they work.


Recognise what you enjoy: these are your strengths and help you identify a role that's right for you.