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Get your career off to a bright start: Work experience at PwC

Did you know that more than 85% of PwC work experience students convert onto their graduate programme after university? With results like this, it's time to start thinking about your very own work experience.

Cathy Baxter, Early Identification & Development Talent Leader at PwC, explains why this experience at the beginning of your career is the key to getting ahead and how you can successfully apply for a role with PwC.

Why should you do work experience?

Through work experience, you’ll be able to determine whether an organisation is one that you want to be part of - you'll discover whether you share the same values and if you enjoy working within their team.

Work experience is also a great way to build networks within a firm, and it will help with your research and preparation for any further interviews or assessments. And of course, you get to gain practical experience of the profession you’re considering - what better way to decide if it's the right career for you!

Finally, if you impress during your work experience, it can even lead to an internship or graduate job offer so it’s a great way to get your foot in the door.

How can I improve my chances of getting work experience?

The key is preparation. You should be attending events and virtual sessions to find out more about an employer and their roles. At PwC, we often run events that give you hints and tips on tackling the assessment process. By giving you a steer on how to prepare effectively, these events will really help your chances of successfully getting through the process.

You should also check all the information and resources on an employer's website. On the PwC website, we have links to short videos and e-learning resources for practicing psychometric tests. Other employers will most likely provide similar information relevant to them.

Finally, ensure you consider how you may answer questions around why you would want to work for an organisation and why you want to take part in the work experience too.

What work experience opportunities are there at PwC?

Here at PwC, we have something for everyone - no matter what stage you’re at in your studies. For first years we offer our one-day Career Open Day held in PwC offices across the UK, or our two-day Talent Academy programme. Both will help you find out more about the opportunities at PwC for work experience and beyond.

First and second years can also take part in our Women in Business week-long paid work experience. During the week, you’ll spend time shadowing various different people in the business including a leader and at the end of the experience you could be interviewed for an internship or graduate role.

Finally, our summer internship and work placement programmes are open to penultimate-year students. Both programmes are paid and you could secure a graduate role for when you finish your studies.

If you're considering a career in Professional Services then submit your application for one of our programmes today - we’d love to hear from you.

Find out more about PwC here.