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Ten top tips for making the most of your Vac Scheme

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We caught up with Baker McKenzie to hear their top tips for making the most out of your experience on their Vacation Schemes. Find out more below…

Research the firm and departments you’re joining

Demonstrate your interest in the department(s) you join by researching recent or prominent cases or deals. Prepare thoughtful questions, which will help you connect with your colleagues and demonstrate that you are motivated and prepared. Learning about the firm in advance can also help you overcome nerves and hit the ground running.

First impressions count

Create a strong first impression by introducing yourself in a polite and professional manner. As well as impressing your supervisor, it is also important to impress all colleagues that you interact with. You want to be noticed for your ability, not the way you are dressed. If in doubt, dress in business attire. You don’t want to miss out on attending a client meeting because you look too casual.

Enthusiastic attitude

The right attitude is key. Being friendly, enthusiastic, willing and keen to learn will help to ensure that the people you are working with will champion your application for a training contract. It is important to show the same level of enthusiasm and a can-do-attitude to all tasks you have been asked to complete. And be aware that certain tasks may require coming in early or staying late.

Be proactive

If you find yourself with spare capacity, be proactive and offer your time to several different sources across the department; an offer of help is always appreciated! As well as demonstrating your enthusiasm, it will give you more exposure and experience, and enable you to meet more people.

Ask questions

Asking questions is vital to not only show your interest, but to find out as much as you can about the firm and establish if it is where you would like to begin your career. Be mindful of who to direct your questions to. For instance, a question on how to use the printer would be best directed to your buddy/PA than a partner!

Manage expectations

Keep work providers up-to-date as to when you will be able to complete a task by. Most students have a tendency to take on too much work, so make sure you are open and transparent with work providers and agree to realistic deadlines.

Keep a record of your contributions

Often with a high workload, it can be difficult to remember everything you have contributed to. Keeping a record of what you worked on and for whom will help you reflect at the end of the scheme and beyond. It may also prove helpful for your Training Contract interview at the end of the scheme.

Demonstrate the skills needed in law

Show that you’re organized by bringing along a pen and paper to all meetings. Demonstrate reliability by clarifying deadlines and delivering work on time. Show attention to detail by closely checking your work for any errors.

Attend the socials

As well as for your enjoyment, socials are arranged for you to network with your fellow Vacation Schemers and Trainees in a more informal setting. Be mindful of your conduct, and alcohol consumption, as your behavior in social situations should still be polite and professional.

Have fun and be yourself!

Overall, it’s important to try and relax and enjoy your time at the firm. Let your personality shine through and make the most out of every opportunity.


Want to find out more about Baker McKenzie and their opportunities? Check out their profile here.