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Applying to Graphcore: Your guide

Before you apply – Research

Prepare your CV

What are we looking for?

  • Full details of your education, including A-Levels (or equivalent)
  • Technical skills e.g. programming languages C++, Python
  • Work experiences and/or projects that demonstrate your skills
  • Participation in clubs/societies/volunteering e.g. hackathons

Some tips:

  • Use a clear format on no more than two sides of A4
  • Provide relevant information only, determined by the role you’re applying to

Hint: get feedback! Ask your careers service, peers or tutor to review your CV before you submit

Submit your application

What do you need to do?

  • Upload your CV (covering letter is optional)
  • Answer all questions in full
  • If you have transcripts available for your most recent modules, please upload

What are we looking for?

  • Your motivation to join Graphcore
  • Understanding of the role you’re applying to
  • Your passion and interest in tech
  • Eagerness to learn


Always be honest about your capabilities; it’s OK not to know the answer! Be honest and consider how you might find out – your approach can be just as insightful as the answer.

Telephone; checking the details

  • Make sure you have a clear connection, good signal and plent of battery!
  • Have a copy of the job advert and your CV available
  • Have pen and paper to hand to jot down questions/prompts
  • Focus on the question being asked, listen and respond concisely
  • Prepare some questions to ask

Technical; understanding your skills

  • Try to keep calm and focus on the task
  • Make sure you are in a quiet area away from distractions
  • If you don’t understand the questions, ask for clarity
  • Don’t panic if you get something wrong, move on and try again

Face to face; getting to know you

  • Prepare in advance; do you know where to go? Who to ask for? Anything to take?
  • What to wear? We don’t wear suits here, so smart-casual works well
  • Keep calm and take time to think before answering if needed
  • Show enthusiasm; consider body language
  • Use STAR method when answering questions to keep on track
  • You’ll be encouraged to ask your own questions

Interviews are two-way – this is your chance to get to know Graphcore too so ask questions.

GOOD LUCK! Remember, you can contact the team at any time via