Insights at Admiral: Graduate analysts

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Have a read to find out more about what Mat, Harry and Tom, three of our Graduate Pricing Analysts, working in our Household Pricing team, do day-to-day and what you could be working on as a Graduate Analyst.

University Background

Mat went to Cardiff University and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Maths, Operational Research and Statistics. Harry graduated from the University of South Wales with a degree in Maths in 2016. And Tom studied Physics at Cardiff University and graduated in 2015. He then went on to do an MSc in Operational Research, Applied Statistics, and Risk – also at Cardiff University.

What sorts of roles were you looking for during your job search?

Harry “I was looking at any roles that were statistics or accountancy based”

Tom “I looked at anything maths related that wasn’t Defence. I also wanted to stay in South Wales and in Cardiff if possible”

What made you want to work at Admiral?

Tom “The cultural atmosphere”

Mat “The shares, the gym, the discounts... overall it was a really good package”

So what exactly does your role entail day-to-day?

Harry “Analytics and Programming – but you don’t need a massive knowledge of programming as you will be taught from scratch”

Mat “We use programmes like SAS, VBA, SQL.. most of our work is Excel based”

Have you been able to apply skills from your degree?

Tom “The main things are a logical mindset and being comfortable with numbers”

Harry “Admiral is more than willing to teach you, but anything you can bring with you is a bonus”

How do you see your career developing longer term?

Harry “It’s all about growth at the moment and we’re recruiting more people, so there are definitely opportunities to become a senior analyst at some point. There is also a lot of ability to move sideways, for example working on pricing for a new product”

What training have you been on or is available to you?

Harry “We got trained in SAS, SQL and Teradata a few weeks into starting here”

Tom “The training was good and it also meant you got to meet people in other analytical areas around the business”

What would you say to STEM students sceptical of working in insurance?

Harry “Insurance can sound complicated and scary but there is so much training that that’s really not the case”

Tom “There isn’t a need for massive insurance related knowledge. You’ll learn on the job”

Is there anything you wish you’d known prior to starting here?

Tom “That you don’t need to know that much, everyone is happy to teach you. You start hands-on right away so you learn quickly”

Harry “You need to have the right mindset – logical and be able to pick up on things and learn quickly”

What’s the set up of the Household Pricing Team?

Harry “We are nine people currently, but another two will be joining us soon. The experience ranges anywhere from a few months to over 10 years. We sit within the rest of the Household team, which is nice, because we’re close to Underwriting and Product, which helps with any insurance questions”

Any tips or advice for somebody thinking of applying for our Analyst Graduate Programme or a similar role with us?

Harry “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. But also don’t be afraid of taking on bigger projects and be thrown in at the deep end”

Mat “The variation of work is great, so get involved with as many different things as possible and apply yourself to different roles to expand your knowledge”

What do you think Admiral can offer STEM students that other companies can’t?

Harry “The atmosphere – that’s definitely the most unique thing. When you think of finance jobs, you think of people in suits, but here it’s more relaxed. There are no divides, it’s open plan and you can speak to anyone you need to with no barriers”

Tom “Other companies could be more daunting as a first job, but there is no scary figurehead here”

What’s the best thing about your job?

Mat “The team. It’s very social and we go out for drinks regularly”

Tom “I like that you can fit work around your life, but the team is the biggest thing. We’re all likeminded people”

Is there anything else you think could be interesting to know?

Tom “It’s easy to overlook the location, but being in the middle of town is great”

Harry “The local discounts and freebies are a really good benefit. For example, I got free tickets to the Wales/England match last year”

Thanks to all the guys for giving up their time – we hope you enjoyed their stories! Find out more about the Analyst Graduate Programme and the Pricing & Analytics departments if you’re interested in joining us in a similar role.

Click here  to discover more about graduates at Admiral.