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A day in the life of an SMBC Intern: Laura Bates

We caught up with Laura, an intern in the Strategic Planning Department, to learn more about her time at the company.

I chose to do my placement at SMBC Group because…

I am currently studying Environment and Business at university and I am very passionate about wanting a career that can make a positive impact on the environment for both the planet and people. While researching the ESG Internship role and the sustainability stance of SMBC, I was very impressed to see the positive work and attitude the company has towards the environment and towards being a force for change. During the interview process I was able to meet various people within the ESG team, which gave me an insight into the work they do. I was very impressed and inspired by the team, and this furthered my desire to work here.

My job involves…

I work in the Strategic planning department as a part of the ESG team (Environmental, Social, Governance). I cover a lot of areas within my role including Monthly ESG Data reporting, supporting inhouse ESG training, helping plan and run sustainability week, updating the sustainability information on the company’s intranet, and much more!

On a typical day…

A typical day includes a morning catch up with my work buddy, which helps me understand my tasks for the day. I then spend some time working on my current projects between team meetings. Team meetings are a great way to interact with the rest of my department while getting to know my team and gain experience and knowledge of what each member does on a day-to-day basis. I will then meet up with the other interns for a lunch break in the office canteen, called The Machi, followed by a game of table tennis in the office wellness suite. The afternoon then consists of finishing off my projects and supporting my team in any meetings relevant on the day.

What I enjoy most about my internship…

I enjoy coming into the office and working on projects alongside my team. The people I work with are so inspiring and fun to work with, which makes the working environment a pleasure to be in. The working culture at SMBC is extremely supportive and collaborative and really allows you to complete work to the best of your abilities.

Top tips for future interns considering a placement at SMBC Group…

My advice would be to absolutely go for it! During your application make sure you research SMBC with specific reference to the department you wish to apply to and get to know the company. Make sure to just be yourself in your application and interviews and really enjoy the process. If you get the opportunity, make sure to ask questions in your interviews and take the opportunity to get to know more about the team and SMBC through the process.

Keen to find out more? Head over to SMBC's profile to explore their opportunities!