Key insights from a Retirement Actuarial Consultant at WTW

Created on 19 Apr 2018

A huge congratulations to Yan Ru Ow on her offer from WTW. Here she shares her experience of applying and gives us a few tips to future applicants. 

Why did you choose this firm and this role?

Their emphasis on personal development, teamwork and the friendly and supportive working environment that it possess were reasons that motivated me to choose WTW. I chose Retirement Actuarial because I aspire to improve the current situations with pensions, assist clients to enhance their schemes and maybe one day, be involved in policy-making.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

The toughest part was the inbox exercise conducted at the assessment centre. Having to sort out numerous tasks under a short time-frame was indeed the most challenging and nerve-racking part of the whole process. My favourite part was the face-to-face interview as it provided the opportunity to learn the dynamics of the firm, plus the friendliness of the interviewers made the whole session a lot more comfortable.

Were you surprised by anything in the process?

I was well-informed with the application process and was also given tips on how to go about preparing certain activities.

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

Be prepared Be confident And be yourself


Looking to follow in Yan Ru's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with WTW.

Bright Network member, Yan Ru
Yan Ru, University of Nottingham
WTW, Retirement Actuarial Consultant