Graduate insights into securing an internship with Next Jump

Created on 12 Jun 2017

We caught up with Sam after he secured an exciting summer internship with Next Jump. Here, he offers some insight for other Bright Network members hoping to do the same.

Why did you choose this firm and this role?

I studied law at university so when attending the Bright Network Festival I had it in my mind that I would mostly focus on talking to the law firms that were attending. However, the beauty of the festival is that so many different companies attend, so the scope of businesses you can talk to is huge.

I was lucky enough to bump into the representative from Next Jump, and this lead to an engaging one-to-one talk about their company and the opportunities they have available to students. It was great to get an insider perspective from an employee. It was Next Jump’s work culture that particularly resonated with me, as it seemed a very personable and stimulating environment to learn about the professional world.

What was the toughest part about the application process? And your favourite part?

I would say the hardest part of the application process is getting to the face-to-face interviews! I went through quite a few initial tests before this stage and it was challenging to demonstrate the sort of person you are on a qualitative level. In the end, you may have all the skills necessary but they are looking for someone that they think will be a good fit for their company. The application process got whittled down to 25 people, which led to a full day of 8am to 7pm at the company. This was tough but also the most enjoyable part as I was able to show the company a little bit of who I am. It was a stimulating, hands-on experience where I was able to learn first-hand about life at Next Jump.

Did anything about the process surprise you?

The aspect which surpised me most in the application process was how fast everything happened. I had my first interview the week following the Bright Network Festival in September through a fast track, and then my second interview only a week or so after that. All in all, the whole process was over in under 2 months. I enjoyed this as it meant that I was fully immersed in the application, which pushed me to try harder to get to the next round.

What are three tips you'd give to your fellow Bright Network members?

  • Always prep – it sounds obvious, but I found that it was very important for me. It's key to learn who is going to be at any networking event you attend. I had read a few things about Next Jump on my way down to the festival and so I was able to appear knowledgeable on the company when talking to their representative . This definitely helped me stand out from the crowd.
  • Be yourself – it is easy to bluff your way through the first interview, but it is hard keep this up as the process goes on. Just be yourself from the beginning. Many people might have the skills required to do the job, but it's your personality and your ability to work with the company that will get you the offer at the end of the day.
  • Make the most of every opportunity – follow every little lead you come across as you never know where it will take you. There are so many opportunities out there, and by following these, no matter how small, you may open doors that you didn't even know existed. Companies are looking for determined, go-getting employees, so stay proactive.

What are you going to do with your first pay check?

I will finish my internship just before I begin university again.  Although I probably should do the sensible thing and pay for my university accommodation, I may treat myself to a city break in Madrid.

Looking to follow in Sam's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Next Jump.

Bright Network member, Sam
Sam, University of Leicester
Next Jump, Internship