Securing an internship with P&G - Top tips from Hayley

Created on 13 Jun 2017

Bright Network member Hayley recently secured an internship as an Automated Assembly Engineer with P&G after hearing about the opportunity through Bright Network. She took the time out of studying at the University of Nottingham to tell us about her experiences with the application process.

Why did you choose P&G?

I have always wanted to work for a big company as I think they provide such an immense range of opportunities. P&G clearly fit the bill – brands such as Gillette are prestigious and will allow me to take many different routes for engineering.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

I think everyone experiences nerves of some sort when heading to an interview. This was definitely the case for me, particularly as the interview ended up being over an hour and a half long. This did, however, prove to be a good opportunity to meet the other candidates, which was my favourite part. I was one of two people chosen from the interview, which meant that at least there would be at least one friendly face on my first day. Despite my apprehensions, I was taken aback by how friendly everyone was throughout the process, which definitely helped with my interview nerves.

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

It’s important to prepare extensively for any interview and walk in with a smile on your face, despite whatever nerves you might be feeling inside. Finally, it’s worth just being yourself – employers are looking to get a realistic picture of you from the interview, so there’s no point trying to deceive them.

Finally, do you have any lucky charms or pre-interview rituals that helped you through the process?

I wore a necklace my sister bought for me for the interview.


Looking to follow in Hayley's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with P&G.

Bright Network member, Hayley
Hayley, University of Nottingham
P&G, Internship