Securing a graduate role with PwC - Top tips from John, cyber security

Created on 10 Aug 2017

After graduating from the University of Bath, John will be starting a Cyber Security Graduate Programme at PwC! We had a catch up to hear all about it.

What drew you to apply for PwC?

I chose the company after choosing the role itself, as the role was really important to me. After choosing the role, I realised that the company culture at PwC was excellent and that gave me more of an incentive to take the role at PwC over anywhere else.

What was the most enjoyable and most challenging part of the application process?

The most challenging part of the application process was the General Assessment Centre, specifically getting used to all of the tests. I really enjoyed the Final Interview, as it was more specific and focused and a great opportunity to meet someone actually working in the department.

Were you surprised by anything in the application process?

I was most surprised by the variety of tests that we were given.

What would be your top three tips for members looking to follow in your footsteps?

  1. You have to be keen about the role – if you’re not this will show, and it will let you down at any stage of the process.
  2. I would definitely recommend practicing the tests in your spare time to prepare.
  3. You have to research the company and go in with prepared facts.

What's your lucky charm or pre-interview ritual?

Get to your meetings early – don’t be late!

Looking to follow in John's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with PwC.

Bright Network member, John
John, University of Bath
PwC, Graduate Programme – Cyber Security